Dear friend of Elijah List Ministries/Elijah Streams TV,
You could have knocked me over with a feather...
I only wish you could have shared these two moments with me. Unbelievable! If you had, you would know why you are so important to us here at this ministry. Without you, and a few more friends exactly like you, many thousands of hurting people would not have learned by experience that God wants to speak personally — to them!
That first moment was in 1990 when I sat across the table in Dallas, TX, from my pastor, who began to tell me about some modern-day prophets who were becoming well-known.
"Prophets? There are prophets today?" I asked. I was stunned. You should have seen my face!
This was such new information and yet — I knew right then and right there — at that moment, that I would be spending the rest of my life pursuing the revelation that came from prophets. Beyond that as you may guess — I also knew I was going to pursue the God who gave this revelation to modern prophets.
I knew I just had to do this! I bet you can relate to this statement, am I right?
From that day to this, because of people just like you who partner financially with us, I've been able to bring the encouraging words of prophets to a world that is in great need to hear what God is saying — right now!
That is why, "right now" I'm asking you to help us with your best year-end gift.
Here is that other moment I promised to share.
After this happened, I was hooked!
In this story, I'm pretty sure you would have teared up as I did!
It was 1998 when I visited the famous New York City Times Square Church. I had been wanting to practice the art of encouraging people with a personal prophetic word. At this evening meeting, the church was packed. I grabbed the only seat I could find available in the middle of the church.
Looking around, I picked out a young couple sitting a short distance from me. Something drew my eyes to them. I said, "Lord, will You speak to me and give me a word to encourage them?"
Faithfully, God did just that, but now, how was I going to give it to them? I had no idea. As the meeting came to a close, I "put God to the test," I guess you would say. I said, "Lord if You want me to give them this word, let them hang around while other people leave."
What happened next would blow my mind. I wish I could replay it for you. The entire church emptied out except for a few people standing at the back. It was now only me and just a few other people in the whole church.
Which people?
To me, it was simply "unbelievable", but THAT SAME COUPLE stood at the back, talking to one other person. I simply could not doubt that God had pulled this off before my very eyes. I walked toward them and waited a minute. As they finished their conversation, I said, "May I talk to you two for just a minute?"
They were curious as they had no idea who I was, not that I was anybody at all. I said, "This may sound strange to you but God gave me a special word of encouragement for you both while you were sitting close to me tonight." Their eyes got bigger, or so it seemed...
I proceeded to give them an encouraging word from the Lord about their marriage and what God wanted to do with and through them both. Tears welling up, the wife said, "I've never heard of anything like this before!" As she teared up, she told me how encouraged she felt. Her husband agreed.
That night in my hotel room, I could hardly sleep. For the first time in my life, I had called out two strangers with a word from the Lord Himself. Their lives were forever changed, I could tell. And I also knew I would never be the same!
James Goll and Steve Shultz |
It would boggle your mind, even stretch your belief — to see how many corners of the Earth this prophetic ministry goes to. People often do not let anyone know, not their relatives or friends or anyone, that they are constantly in touch with
Elijah List Ministries and Elijah Streams TV to find out just what God is saying to HIS PEOPLE on a daily basis.
Did you know this...? • | More than a year before President Trump was elected, this ministry was publishing and prophesying that God had chosen him to lead this country. |
• | For several years, we have been prophesying that God was about to change HOLLYWOOD into HOLY-WOOD! Now, as I type this, news stories continue to be released about the beginning of this movement — with Kanye West in the news with his new-found faith in Christ. Basketball players are also starting to go public, and more and more actors are starting to openly speak about Christ with less and less blowback for doing so. |
• | This year, two former governors have been in contact with me personally, both letting me know how much they appreciate ELIJAH LIST MINISTRIES. |
• | We did a research project not long ago in which we discovered that nearly 1,000 ".gov" email addresses were in our databases. "They" are watching and listening to us. |
• | Before his passing, Kim Clement prophesied that the opposition would try three times to impeach the president but they would NOT prevail. |
This is only some of what YOU, our readers, have told us you love about
this ministry. This may surprise you, but there are 21 of us here working to bring to you, in published form what God is saying for the earth. You can imagine the cost to properly pay our staff for their hard work in helping.
That is where you come in. Derene and I would like to ask you, now that we are only days away from the Dec. 31st cutoff for tax deductions this year — 2019, if you would stop RIGHT NOW to make the most generous
year-end donation that you can?
(Did you know that most people do this in only the last 3 days of the year?) ministry@elijahlistministries.com (541) 967-3665 To donate by Check (US Dollar Only), make your check payable to: ELIJAH LIST MINISTRIES 528 ELLSWORTH ST SW ALBANY, OR 97321 USA |
We are all praying for YOU, our loyal readers, because we know that a great many of you pray for us on almost a daily basis. We are beyond grateful for this. With your added partnership with us, we will be able to finish the year with no debt, which is how we believe God wants us to continue serving you.
Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!