Bimbingan Teknis Nasional - Peningkatan Kompetensi Pejabat Pelaksana Teknis Kegiatan (PPTK)

Pelatihan - Online

Tugas dan Kewenangan Pejabat Pelaksana Teknis Kegiatan (PPTK)

(Berdasarkan PP. No. 12 /2019, Perpres No. 12/2021 dan PMDN No. 77/ 2020)


26 April - 4 Mei 2021
Pukul : 13.00 – 15.00 WIB
(Online - Zoom)


• Mengikuti 7 sesi Kegiatan Bimtek Online
• Materi Pelatihan
• Format format PPTK
• Peraturan Terkait dan Terupdate
• 7 Video Pembelajaran
• Sertifikat Digital

Harga Promo:

 " Rp. 450.000,- "


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HandPhone : 

0811 9980 453


LPKN Training Center


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The Mandela Mining Precinct hosts: The Beneficiating Three Years’ of Research, Development, and Innovation Virtual Symposium

Register online to attend for free!

Beneficiation: The transformation of a mineral, or a combination of minerals, into a higher value product. The Symposium will illustrate how research across the SAMERDI research programmes enrich the value of SAMERDI to the South African Mining Industry.

The Symposium will take place over two days

Day 1: Solutions for Industry (Industry, Academia, Science Councils) 
Day 2: Research for Mining (Students, Learners)

The programme content will be strongly aligned to the overarching theme.

The programme will make use of a combination of plenary and parallel sessions, allowing delegates to remain engaged and in control of what content they consume. With a combination of panel discussions, lightning talks, debates, presentations and an on-demand knowledge showcase, the Mandela Mining Precinct's first vitual symposium promises to be engaging and interactive.

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