WLR Newsletter: First Step to Success is on the Scales | Delish Dinners Delivered | New Med Plan


Hi Kuka,

Sometimes it’s the really simple things that can make a difference when you’re battling the bulge, like stepping on the scales regularly and frequently. This new research builds on previous studies showing good results for simply stepping on the scales

Slim and Sizzle with the Mediterranean Plan

Feeling summery? Now could be a good time to get all the benefits of the Mediterranean diet, and we’ve created a new low calorie version so you can get all the taste and still drop the pounds. There’s a PDF to make it easy to follow – get the plan

Delish Dinner Delivery You Can Count On

Everdine is the new chef on the food delivery block. Their gourmet meals are not specifically aimed at dieters, but as all meals are clean, healthy and calorie counted it could be just what you need for adding ease and variety to your plan.

Trudi tried some and really liked them, (and got a 36% discount for our lovely readers) take a look

11 Surprisingly Simple Ways to Cut Cals

It’s not all about filling most of your plate with salad, or eating smaller portions. Here’s 11 ways to make sneaky calorie cuts you may not have thought of, take a peek

Media Images Leave New Mums Feeling Bad

Low self esteem is a very unhelpful emotion when you’re trying to make positive changes to your weight and shape. But media portrayal of the seemingly lightning-fast recovery of celebrity bodies has the effect of chipping away at many of us, read more

Step on the Scales to Success

This latest new study into self-weighing frequency and body weight backs up previous research, showing that daily weighing moves the needle in the right direction, find out more


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Thank you for reading,

Weight Loss Resources
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