Meeting Jesus in Prison, then Sent to the Nations


Chris Overstreet
Right Now!

Meeting Jesus in Prison, then Sent to the Nations!


From the desk of Steve Shultz:

This interview I had with Chris Overstreet is as real and raw as it gets. Nothing that you could ever walk through can separate you from the love and redemption of Jesus Christ!

You are going to find out about this and more as international evangelist Chris Overstreet shares his own testimony of being in a jail cell to now evangelizing all over the world AND how he has trained thousands to do the same.

Do yourself and others a favor — pass on this message to everyone you know, including unsaved family, friends and any prodigals you've been praying for. The Lord could very well use this to get others saved and their lives rededicated to Christ in watching this powerful interview.

I also encourage you to grab hold of these two adventurous and powerful books we've put together just for you, our Elijah Streams viewer.




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Steve and Derene Shultz


Steve and Derene Shultz
Founders, Elijah List Ministries



We pray for the boldness of the Holy Spirit to come upon your lives... we pray in the mighty name of Jesus for miracles, signs and wonders to begin to flow through your lives.


Chris Overstreet with Steve Shultz...


CLICK HERE to watch this episode on demand NOW on

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Deliverance and Healing 30,000 Feet in the Air!




Do we have a spiritual treat for you! 

We’ve put together 2 adventurous and supernatural books in this exclusive offer just for you, our Elijah Streams viewer!

This 2-book set offer includes:

“Adventures With Jesus” by Chris Overstreet and Scott Burroughs, and “Walking in the Supernatural” by Bill and Beni Johnson, Kris Vallotton, Danny Silk, CHRIS OVERSTREET and others!

In “Adventures With Jesus” you and your family will be taken on a powerful journey into the heart of God—where you'll discover how to:

  • Know your True Identity
  • “Learn, Do and Teach” the Kingdom of God
  • Overcome insecurity and rejection 
  • AND step out in faith and take greater risks

Then, get your SUPERNATURAL shoes on for the second book of this exclusive offer called “Walking in the Supernatural”.

Prepare to drink deep from what Bill and Beni Johnson, along with their friends Kris Vallotton, Danny Silk, Chris Overstreet and others have brewed just for you – in their invigorating book!

If you and your family want to experience exciting, new “Adventures With Jesus” and journey along new paths of “Walking in the Supernatural” you’ll want to get this exclusive offer we’ve put together just for you—our Elijah Streams viewer.

This is made available exclusively for you, our Elijah Streams viewer, for a donation of just $39 dollars.

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P.S. I want to say a quick THANK YOU in advance! If you are being blessed by this or other Elijah List Ministries Videos, would you consider making a tax deductible financial gift today? Just click on the link(s) below.


Thank you!



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Steve and Derene Shultz




Steve and Derene Shultz
Founders, Elijah List Ministries

Elijah List - 528 Ellsworth St SW, Albany OR, 97321
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