Dear Friend, As God's people around the world celebrate the 71st Anniversary of Israel's rebirth as a modern nation, they are also celebrating the miracles that have made Israel possible. But now Israel needs another miracle... The threat of a new war is looming over Israel. Acts of terrorism are becoming more ferocious and sophisticated. Nations to the North, East and South of Israel are becoming more aggressive with threats to kill every Jew, level cities to the ground, and take possession of the Promised Land. Every day the media is reporting new and dangerous developments. Riots, Hamas, terror tunnels, airstrikes, and casualties are filling the headlines... Iran is sending Hezbollah a steady supply of rockets on Israel's northern border — bringing the total to over 150,000 rockets. They recently moved another 80,000 guerrilla fighters into Syria. The writing is on the wall. There is no question Israel will be embroiled in another war soon. MAGEN DAVID ADOM must use the precious time it has left to prepare.  MAGEN DAVID ADOM is Israel's Red Cross organization, staffed by 15,000 highly trained volunteers and supported by the donations of those who love Israel. It is charged with the care of every soul in Israel. They are the emergency first-responders, the ones who operate Israel's 1,100 ambulances, and are responsible for 97% of the nation's blood supply. When rockets fill the sky in the middle of the night, these courageous men and women answer the call and run towards the explosions to save lives. For over 70 years the people of Israel have depended upon MAGEN DAVID ADOM. It has become one of the most efficient emergency medical service organizations in the world — but only because of the generous financial support of friends like you. The government does not fund their lifesaving services. It was a miracle that Israel survived the first 70 years. The people of Israel need your help now. "For if the Gentiles have shared in the Jews' spiritual blessings, they owe it to the Jews to share with them their material blessings." Romans 15:27 When you show your love for Israel with a generous gift of any amount, we will send you a beautiful printed copy of Israel: 70 Years of Miracles. This inspiring booklet examines the amazing miracles that made the rebirth and survival of Israel possible. You will learn why Israel's founding prime minister, David Ben-Gurion, said, "In Israel, in order to be a realist you must believe in miracles."  If Israel is on your heart, please give right now to do the most good. We must prepare before war breaks out. Please give now. Not a dollar will be wasted.  |