Pentecost 2020: Decade of Awakening - Free Live Streaming

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Watch Pentecost: Decade of Awakening- Free Live stream
May 28 – 31, 2020

Co-Sponsored by the Elijah List

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We are super excited to have generals of faith joining us for the Pentecost online live experience. Pentecost is one of those super prophetic seasons in which God speaks to His people and releases the fullness of His power and activates your destiny after pressing in for 50 days from Passover. God always shows up BIG and when His glory shows up, especially at Pentecost, huge things happen!

Most people don't realize the hidden blessing during the Feast of Pentecost that God promised to release by those who honor this feast. While most Christians look to the outpouring that occurred in Acts 2 when the Holy Spirit came in power there is much more to the blessing that God promised.
You see Passover is coming out of Egypt while Pentecost, 50 days later is
getting the spirit of Egypt/slavery and poverty out of us.

There are basically 3 major times in the year where the HUGE blessings are released when we celebrate and unlock them.

You see, Pentecost is one of three "Appointed Times" described in Exodus 23 and Leviticus 23 as special seasons when God wants to meet with His people and bless them in extraordinary ways. Along with the Feast of Passover and Feast of Tabernacles, God instructed His children to celebrate Pentecost as a perpetual feast, for all generations (Leviticus 23:40-41)

In Exodus 23 and Leviticus 23, God promises these blessings if you honor the season between Passover culminating in Pentecost:

7 blessings
  1.    An Angel will be assigned to protect and lead you to your miracle
  2.    God will be an enemy to your enemies
  3.    The Lord will prosper you
  4.    God will take sickness away from you
  5.    You will not die before your appointed time
  6.    Increase and an inheritance will be yours
  7.    What the enemy has stolen will be returned to you

This is the last major feast this year until the fall feasts of Tabernacles. You really want to get in on this open Heaven portal to carry you through the long hot summer with favor and blessings fulfilling your destiny on a new level.

What makes this Pentecost greater than any other apart from Acts 2 is that it's the new decade harvest in 2020 as the world comes out of a full shutdown as occurred on the 1st Passover which is supposed to lead to the Promise of the Great Outpouring after coming out of lockdown as the Israeli’s did in Egypt into Glory, Sign and Wonders, and great provision coming out. Our Promised Land, land of greater Glory, Great power and miracles are supposed to occur at Pentecost!

Do you need a miracle, clarity of destiny or just want to be filled up to overflowing with the Glory of God?

Well, what if I told you that you can position yourself to receive a Super Charge from God. There are "seasonal portals" where God promises to visit us in an extraordinary way if we just show up to the appointment.

This Pentecost known as Shavuot in Hebrew is the first of the decade of Awakening. Join us and press in to receive what God has in store for us.
Join us daily 7pm MST/ 10pm EST
10am MST/1pm EST for replays

Click to Register 'Pentecost 2020' - Free Live Streaming

Feel free to share this email with your friends and family. We don't want anyone to miss this powerful event.

At the Passover Glory Festival, you can expect to:
Pick up the spirit of Awakening
Experience the Glory on new levels
Discover your New Beginnings
Enter into your new season of destiny and awakening
Pass-over into your own Promised Land
Move into greater access and flow in the Glory of God
Experience healing, miracles, signs and wonders
Hear God more clearly for your life

"When you show up to God's feast you get empowered to move forward into your destiny."

This 4-day event will be a time for impartation of Awakening fire converging on the Southwest region of the United States with miracles, healings, signs and wonders, to awaken and ignite fresh prayer for a national revival and unveil prophetic revelation for the amazing days ahead!

SPEAKERS- Pentecost 2020


David Herzog

Stephanie Herzog

Sid Roth

Chuck Pierce

Lou Engle

Rabbi Jonathan Cahn

Hank Kunneman

Apostle Maldonado

Rick Ridings

Mario Bramnick

Click Now to register Pentecost 2020: Decade of Awakening

For More Information:




May 13, 2020


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