Donald Trump in Modern Christian Prophecy

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God's Man in the White House:
Donald Trump in Modern Christian Prophecy

by James Beverley & Larry Willard
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A political, moral and spiritual battle is raging on in America and around the world over Donald J. Trump. Amid all the controversies, Christian prophets have been claiming for over a decade that Trump is a chosen one; that he is God's man for the White House. In God's Man in the White House, professor James Beverley documents a comprehensive collection of over 500 prophecies about Trump covering a period of 15 years by more than 100 of the leading Christian prophets and leaders in the USA and world-wide, providing the political and religious context for the ongoing prophecies and controversies about the 45th president of the USA.

God's Man in the White House
-- by James Beverley & Larry Willard

Paperback Book
(330 pages)



PDF E-Book




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About the Author:
James A. Beverley is Associate Director of the Institute for the Study of American Religion in Woodway, Texas and Research Professor at Tyndale University in Toronto, Canada. He has written articles for Christianity Today and Charisma magazines and is a longtime columnist for Faith Today magazine. He has specialized for over forty years in the study of world and new religions, philosophy of religion, Christian theology and philosophy. He is the author and editor of sixteen books.

Professor Beverley has been an expert witness in both criminal and civil trials and is an advisor on religion to the government in Ontario, Canada. He has been interviewed frequently by print, radio and television media. He has taught in North America, Central America, Europe, India, Africa, and southeast Asia.


June 19, 2020
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