September 16, 2017 "Australia Shall Lead in the Healing Of Nations" by Stephen Powell, Fort Mill, SC From the Desk of Steve Shultz: When I think of Australia, I think of a friend of the USA and a friend to many nations. Australia is gifted with a heart to lead, serve...and "heal" as you'll read about in Stephen Powell's latest word. There are so many prophetic voices being birthed out of Australia, and it's awesome to see what the Lord will do THERE, in the land down under, just as Stephen shares here: Leaves for the healing of the nations, it's written in your land from the beginning. You are a balm, a people of healing for nations. You will be a part of healing Korea, hear My words. You will be a part of healing Europe, hear My words. You will be a part of healing America, hear My words... Let's pray for our great comrade, Australia, and what the Lord will do and release from heal the nations! (To Subscribe to the Elijah List subscribe here.) Please forward this word to your friends! Encourage them to subscribe to the Elijah List right here: Enjoy! Steve Shultz, Founder and Publisher The Elijah List & Breaking Christian News ************************************* "Australia Shall Lead in the Healing Of Nations" by Stephen Powell, Fort Mill, SC  The word of the Lord came to me saying, "Prophesy My son to the nation of Australia, for now is her hour to arise and shine as a global light for good, for shelter, and for the healing of nations. For out of the south of her land shall arise a mighty fire of healing revival which shall not be quenched as it travels north through the land. Lo, it has been resisted not once, but twice in this respect, but what I am bringing is an Acts 6 anointing which cannot be resisted, for My servants shall arise and speak forth the wisdom of God in the south to the north. They shall declare it as a trumpet to the north, and the north will have to listen and heed, because I, the Lord, will back these words coming from the southern prophets. They are My oracles, My mouth pieces, they will be My Moses and Aaron to the nation, for they will speak and prophesy and I, the Lord, will perform through their words. They shall herald the trumpet of God in Australia for a new day, a resetting of the clock of Heaven in this land." Healing for the Nations I see the Lord balancing this nation on a a plumb-line message emerges to turn the nation back into its proper alignment before God. I see the nation turning and burning with fire, even an unquenchable fire which shall come from the south, for out of this land will come healing for the nations. "People have left, people will leave, and these are the leaves for the healing of the nations. It began here with My servant Alexander Dowie, and when he left and was released as that wind from out of the south, there came forth the anointing for the healing of the nations, and it will yet cycle back around from this place again, an anointing for the healing of the nations. It shall shoot into Asia, and it shall burn with a fire, and this fire shall rise in prophets and healers as they go forth, and they shall heal lands with fire to the north; but they shall also prophesy against the powers of the evil one that has ruled over lands to the north for many generations. "But behold, I, the Lord, have declared that it is time to address the iniquity to the north and address the spirit powers behind it. For there is a people whom I will have for My Bride, cleansed and spotless and purified from these roots of deception, the demonic filthiness going back generations which is in these lands like latent webs entangling its people in iniquity. But behold I shall burn through these lands like unquenchable fires, and behold they will not be able to hold back this force from Heaven which I will release out of southern Australia, for it is healing for the nations, cleansing for the nation. "I will cause crooked pathways to be straightened, even across the sea, for you will see that I, the Lord, visit the distant islands, and stretch forth My hand with authority, and in one day I change what you have not been able to change in all your prior seasons of toiling. You will see that I, the Lord, will change it even in a day. For you have endured fishing all night and have caught nothing in these waters for all your toiling. But behold I am releasing My word for strategic apostolic harvesting, for you, Australia, shall go out with My harvesting angels. "You shall be My sent ones, and as sent ones you will go into places at strategic times, and in those times I will open to you the floodgates of Heaven to overwhelm the enemy in these lands. It will be My suddenly which I give to you, and it will be a blitz, a suddenly thrust upon the enemy, which he will not be able to scramble quick enough to counter effectively. Behold, I have determined harvest in these lands, and these harvesting winds will flow out of southern Australia. I am the Lord. "Leaves for the healing of the nations, it's written in your land from the beginning. You are a balm, a people of healing for nations. You will be a part of healing Korea, hear My words. You will be a part of healing Europe, hear My words. You will be a part of healing America, hear My words. I will send soldiers out of Australia, armed for war, and they shall go into places which I, the Lord, will open up for them to go. They shall be a part of a coalition to fight evil in this day, and they shall be My soldiers on the frontlines of a conflict which I intend to bring healing through," says the Lord. I Will Make You Famous in Your Day The Lord says, "There is a healing angel to the north with a large sickle and he is waiting for the movement to join him from the south, and from the south will come the thrust which has been needed," says the Lord. "I have cultivated something in the south...a secret weapon for the nations. "Get ready Australia, for I will make you famous in your day, will be made famous in your day. It will be like the word which says that the Lord's name was made famous through Judea, Samaria, and all those lands as the blind eyes were opened, as the cripples walked, as those with epilepsy were delivered, and as the maimed grew limbs back in the glory. "I have storehouses of Heaven full of creative supply for the working of miracles in this new day, a day of healing, a day of wonders, a day to capture the attention of all people groups, for from this place I will bring glory to the name of Jesus, even with great power and with great fame," says the Lord. "Be prepared to leave, be prepared to lead, for these are the leaves of healing for the nations. Your preparation is almost complete. You shall be released in this day, you shall drop down the heavens over darkness and Hell itself in My world, and you shall be a stream in dry places. You shall be that healing I've purposed you to be." (To Subscribe to the Elijah List subscribe here.) Stephen Powell Lion of Light Ministries Email: Website: Stephen Powell is an Itinerant Minister commissioned under Steve Toliver of "Abundance of Rain Ministries", and is an Associate Revivalist through "Fresh Fire Ministries" under Todd Bentley. When he was a teenager God began to visit Stephen in powerful encounters in the Secret Place during extended seasons of fasting and prayer which has released a deep and tangible anointing in his life! Stephen's passion is to perpetuate revival culture wherever he goes and continue to walk in greater demonstrations of intimacy, power and glory with Jesus! He currently resides in Fort Mill, South Carolina with his wife and four children, and serves on Todd Bentley's Senior Apostolic Board. Stephen Powell's Itinerary: September 20, 2017 (6:30pm) Breakthrough Pennsylvania Lake Erie Church 1565 West 38th St, Erie, PA 16508 September 21-22, 2017 (7pm) Breakthrough Pennsylvania Kingdom of Life Ministries 129 Park Ave, Lock Haven, PA 17746 September 23, 2017 (7pm) Breakthrough Pennsylvania The Great Island Presbyterian Church 12 W. Water St, Lock Haven, PA 17745 ************************************* To receive daily, encouraging prophetic emails from The Elijah List to your in box CLICK HERE or go to: Visit our webstore and check out Alveda King's brand new book by Elijah List Publications: America Return to God: Also check out Steve Shultz's Revised and 2nd Edition book Can't You Talk Louder, God?: Permission is granted (and you are also encouraged) to reprint these articles in hard copy form, as well as sending them to your own email lists and posting them on your own websites. We ask only that you keep Elijah List website, email contact info, and author contact information intact. Elijah List Publications 528 Ellsworth St. SW Albany, OR 97321 email: Phone 1-541-926-3250 |