Dear Friend, Although the people of Israel have always been surrounded by enemies, these are particularly dark days. - Hezbollah, a terrorist organization founded to destroy Israel, now has an arsenal of over 150,000 missiles positioned along Israel's northern border.
- Hamas and Islamic Jihad in Gaza continue to stockpile weapons and unpredictably launch barrages of missiles into southern Israel.
- Iran continues to smuggle missiles into Syrian, Lebanon, Yemen, and Iraq — and now may be only months away from assembling its first nuclear warhead.
We look for light, but all is darkness; for brightness, but we walk in deep shadows. Isaiah 59:9. As Israel's Red Cross organization, MAGEN DAVID ADOM is always on duty. The desperate calls for emergency medical help come in around the clock, 15,700+ calls a day, every day of the week. Into this darkness, highly trained men and women bring light and hope. They respond with compassion and skill, bringing comfort and healing, and saving lives. This means that every day, to meet these urgent needs, MAGEN DAVID ADOM's 25,000 paramedics, EMTs, and first responders must receive constant training. They need serviceable gear and emergency vehicles. They must continually replenish massive quantities of medical supplies, trauma equipment, and emergency blood stores.  It takes every possible dollar to continue to meet the urgent needs of Israel's 9 million citizens. Every day brings another 15,700+ calls for help. In Israel, every day also brings the threat of terrorism or war. Just one major attack from Israel's enemies could exhaust the nation's emergency resources. ISRAEL NEEDS YOUR HELP RIGHT NOW You are a light to the people of Israel. Your faith, your prayers, and your generous giving brings light. Every dollar you give is used to save lives. Your support offers the people of Israel a glimmer of hope in the darkness.  To thank you for your gift of $20 or more to save lives in Israel, we will send you our Israel Rescue Light. This flashlight is a symbol of the hope that you are bringing to the people of Israel. As your giving shines light into the darkness of those who are in desperate need, we want you to never be without a light yourself. Your support helps meet today's urgent medical needs and helps prepare for whatever darkness tomorrow may bring. Please give right now to save lives in Israel.  |
MAGEN DAVID ADOM, Israel's national Red Cross society, provides emergency medical care and ambulance services for victims of terror, natural disasters, automobile accidents, and other emergencies in Israel. It is also responsible for 97% of Israel's national blood supply. MAGEN DAVID ADOM is saving lives in Israel every day. |