From the Desk of Steve Shultz:
I am so excited to see the women of God rise up in all He has called them to be and to do across the earth.
Lana Vawser is one of our most popular writers on the Elijah List and she has much to say to the daughters of God...right now.
We NEED women of God to step up and take their rightful place. Daughters—cultures are waiting for you to help shift and bring them into the Kingdom of God.
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Steve Shultz, Founder and Publisher
The Elijah List & Breaking Christian News
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"Daughters of God: A Divine Reset is Upon You!"
Lana Vawser, Brisbane, Queensland, Australia
The Lord says, "There has been a mighty battle against the mind of many of My daughters, but it is now lifting and the wind of My empowerment is filling the sails of their faith to commission them on new, pioneering pathways in My name!"
You Are Not Going Crazy
The Lord showed me that there has been a horrific battle against the minds of many daughters of God in the Body of Christ. There has been a specific assignment that has been sent against them to bring a cloudiness, a fog, and a lack of clarity of thinking. As a result, many of them have been thinking they are crazy or going to go crazy.
The pressure on the mind has been intense, but in the battle the Lord showed me that He is bringing forth a deep fortification of faith in Christ and His Word that cannot be shaken. There is a major battle against your minds, daughters of God. Now is the time to stand and stand in the Word. You are not going crazy. You are moving into greater clarity and revelation of His truth and the strategies of His heart.
I heard two words thundering in the spirit: "DIVINE RESOLVE." So I looked up the definition of "resolve":
1. Settle or find a solution to a problem or contentious matter.
2. Decide firmly on a course of action.
I Will Not Take This Anymore
The Lord showed me...(continue reading)