From the Desk of Steve Shultz:
Wow, I love this faith-filled word by Larry Sparks!
On this Sunday, as many will be watching church services "online," we can corporately praise God together in one accord.
There is a sound we can release, praising God, that can break the spirit of fear running rampant right now.
Read this word by Larry today...and let your praise be heard wherever you are worshiping the Lord! (To Subscribe to the Elijah List subscribe here.)
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Steve Shultz, Founder and Publisher
The Elijah List & Breaking Christian News

I don't have a prophetic word about the coronavirus...I do, however, have a very clear word from the Lord about a supernatural key that will help the Church silence the all-consuming roar of fear right now, starting with our own lives. When fear boasts loud, it should be a convicting call for the praises of God's people to become even louder.
Back in the 1990s, when I first came to the Lord, contemporary "praise and worship" was just emerging onto the scene. Believe it or not, it was quite controversial and sometimes divisive to have guitars and drums playing during a church service – and calling it "worship." It's hard to believe now, considering that even some of the more traditional Christian denominations have embraced contemporary worship. But in the last few years, we have neglected something that was absolutely revolutionary in the 1990s – the roar of praise.
I present this prophetic word with confidence and clarity, believing 100% this is a word of the Lord for right now. Will it demolish the coronavirus and our global crisis? I have no idea; but I do know it will get our focus where it should be. Just like Paul and Silas had no idea how their prayers and praises would be followed by a supernatural earthquake, I have no idea what supernatural response our praise will initiate from Heaven to Earth. We don't praise God for a result; we praise Him because He is worthy – no matter what is going on around us.
The Lord Is Restoring the ROAR of Praise!
I prophesy that the Lord is restoring the ROAR of praise, for the ROAR of praise and the SHOUT of the King will empower the people of God to war victoriously against the prevailing spirit of fear that is contaminating the earth.
Wash your hands, yes. Buy appropriate supplies and food (and toilet paper!), absolutely. Be prepared and operate in wisdom. But there must be a sound of praise roaring once again from the Church.
For the last 10 years, praise and worship have become increasingly mellow. We've neglected the "breaker" praise songs of the 1990s, early 2000s. Remember those days? I sense the Spirit of the Lord say, "Go back to the Breaker!" In other words, we need to go back to those songs that carried that "Breaker anointing."
Praise God for how Hillsong and Darlene Zschech pioneered in these areas with "My Redeemer Lives," "All Things are Possible," "Hear Our Praises," and "The Shout of the King." Hallelujah for Darrell Evans' revolutionary acoustic album "Let the River Flow," with prophetic anthems like "New Song Arising," "We Will Embrace Your Move," "Kingdom Song" and "Spirit of Revival." Song after song comes to mind: "Garments of Praise" from Robin Mark, "Enemy's Camp" from Lindell Cooley, "Did You Feel the Mountains Tremble" by Delirious, "Stand Up and Praise Him" from the Smithton Outpouring, and so on.
It's time for the songs of praise to come forth again! Go back to the old ones and sing them. Press into Heaven and start writing them – explosive songs of faith, victory and breakthrough! The earth needs the shout of the King. (Photo via Unsplash)
I will never forget pastor and worship leader Darlene Zschech made the following declaration: "The enemy cannot stand in the midst of a praising people – so praise Him!"
Praise Silences the Devil
"Through the praise of children and infants you have established a stronghold against your enemies, to silence the foe and the avenger." (Psalm 8:2 NIV)
Fear is the language of Hell. Right now, the enemy is speaking loud and wide, with nations paying close attention to his voice. When the enemy's voice seems to be amplified in volume, it should be a convicting invitation for the Body of Christ to raise the volume of praise. Just as fear is the language of Hell, praise is the language of Heaven.
Praise is one of the greatest expressions of faith, for it declares Who God is, regardless of what circumstances are taking place around us. It does not deny reality; that's being goofy. True, mature Bible faith acknowledges what's going on around us. It recognizes the doctor's report or the bank account deficit or crumbling relationship or prodigal child or the global outbreak of fear. It's aware and wise, yes, but it answers to a higher power, a higher authority.
Faith empowers us to sing about who God is, even when Hell is breaking out all around us, because who God is never changes. The earth needs stability right now; the world needs a bold Church loudly proclaiming the excellencies and praises of the One who called us out of darkness (1 Pet. 2:9). Why? So that... (continue reading)