Dear Reader,
On January 1st, we celebrated not only a new year, but a brand new decade! I've got to tell you, I'm honestly feeling so optimistic about the coming year, and the coming decade, that I really think it's going to be like the "Roaring 20's" once again! Can you feel it too? I pray for all good things ahead in my life, in your life, in the world, and for every Elijah List reader who is receiving this message!
One way we can ALL improve our lives in the new year is by being more physically active, taking care of the bodies God gave us...
"Or do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit within you, whom you have from God? You are not your own, for you were bought with a price. So glorify God in your body." - 1 Corinthians 6:19-20
For some, physically active means running a marathon or climbing a mountain. For others, it might mean jogging a 5k, taking dance lessons, or even a walk around the block. And for others with limited mobility, it might mean being able to move your arms or your hands or your head, and giving your all in physical therapy.
Whatever YOUR definition of "Active" might be, I have the perfect companion to motivate and encourage you. It's called Wholetones ACTIV and it's the latest frequency music in the Wholetones family.
It's designed to give More Energy, Add Extra "Kick" to Your Workout, Be More Alert, Eliminate Afternoon Drowsiness and More...
All WITHOUT addictive pills, dangerous energy drinks, too much coffee or questionable supplements.
This is Amazing "Sonic Caffeine!"
I am so excited for you to try my brand new ACTIV that for a short time, I'm making a full length track from the album available EXCLUSIVELY to Elijah List readers for a measly 99¢.
That's right, this is your private invitation to check out my all new Wholetones ACTIV for less than a buck!
Download Yours Now by Clicking Here
Be Whole,

Michael S. Tyrrell
Wholetones, Inc.
P.S. I'll keep this offer up as long as I can, but due to the fact that we actually lose money with every 99¢ transaction, I can't keep it going forever, so please don't miss out on this private offer. Get yours today!