Intro from Larry Sparks:
Reverend Betty King is a prophetic voice and ministry leader that I am just getting to know, but so many of my friends have celebrated her ministry, and now I have come to discover that God is using her as a global catalyst in prayer, intercession and spiritual warfare.
I believe what she is leading in Great Britain has the potential to measurably impact and shape culture for the Kingdom of God!
It's with great excitement that I encourage you to review this word, pray through and apply it, so you can see it come to fruition in your life. (To Subscribe to the Elijah List subscribe here.)
Larry Sparks, Publisher
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Dear Saints,
The Lord has called His people to be kings and priests in this day! As the world looks for answers to all the confusion and chaos of the present moment, it is vital that there are those who can stand as the carriers of His voice and presence. This means that the royal priesthood of the Body of Christ needs to be preserved. The enemy's plan, however, is to silence and destroy it.
As I prayed and sought God on behalf of His Church, He led me to the story of David as he hid from Saul in 1 Samuel 21 and 22. I want to share some keys with you that will strengthen your discernment and enable you to fulfill the will of God in this hour.
David in Isolation
In 1 Samuel 20, David had learned from Jonathan, with all certainty, that Saul was planning to kill him, and so he fled to Gath to preserve his life. On the journey he went to see Ahimelech the priest in the town of Nob. Ahimelech recognized him as one of Saul's faithful men and allowed him to take bread and the sword of Goliath which was being kept there. When David saw that He would not be able to take refuge in Gath, he then went to the cave of Adullam where he was joined by many people of Israel that were living in debt, distress and discontentment. He also sought to protect his family from Saul, and asked the king of Moab to allow his mother and father to stay under his protection until it was all over.
David's situation was like that in which many people have found themselves today, where they are isolated and having to take actions to preserve their lives and the lives of their families, and where they are depending on others for provision and protection. At the same time, there are also many who are under financial pressure, in need, or distressed because of all that is going on. Somehow, in the midst all of this, David was still able to find favor with God and lead well, and so it is important for us to learn the principles and strategies that made this possible.
Saul and Doeg
The Word of the Lord eventually came to David to get up and move from Adullam and go to Judah (see 1 Samuel 22). While this was all taking place, Saul was still pursuing David. When the story moves to focus on Saul, he is sitting underneath a tamarisk tree in Ramah with his spear in his hand, bribing his men to be loyal to him through offers of fields, vineyards, and positions of authority. A man named Doeg steps forward at this point to reveal information on the help that Ahimelech the priest gave to David. He does this in order to position himself as loyal to Saul while the rewards are being offered. Saul is outraged at what he hears about Ahimelech the priest and summons him and all the priests of Nob.
When Ahimelech is questioned by Saul, he recounts David's track record as Saul's faithful servant and truthfully declares his innocence in the help that he gave him. Saul's anger is not sated, however, and he orders his men to kill the priests of the Lord. They refuse, and Saul orders Doeg to do it. Doeg is willing and kills 85 priests then and there, as well as men, women, children, and animals in the town.
This tragedy highlights many things that had gone wrong in Saul's character and leadership, which we need to be aware of in the Body of Christ today.
The Tamarisk Tree
The first time the tamarisk tree is mentioned in Scripture is during the life of Abraham. God called Abraham to leave his father's lands and go to a place that He would show him (Genesis 12:1). Abraham obeyed and although at first he had problems with rulers in those lands, and made a mistake when he misled King Abimelech about his relationship to Sarah, his ways pleased the Lord, and so God made his enemies to be at peace with him (Proverbs 16:7). In Genesis 21, Abraham settles a final dispute with King Abimelech regarding the sharing of space and makes a covenant with him. Abraham plants a tamarisk tree in Beersheba, and calls on the Everlasting God there. Because of this, the tamarisk tree is a symbol of eternal covenant. (Photo via Wallpaper Flare)
Not many people, however, realize that the tamarisk tree is also... (continue reading)