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Steve Shultz: Crazy - My Stumblings Prove God's in Control
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December 12, 2018 "Steve Shultz: Crazy - My Stumblings PROVE God's Intimate Control of YOUR LIFE!"![]() It's been on my heart to tell you or remind you of the PROOF I have about how—YOUR LIFE is under the control of the Lord, Himself. But first, let's remind ourselves that people in the Kingdom of God, born-again Believers, no matter how anointed we are—are all imperfect vessels. Walking by the Spirit does not mean we don't make mistakes. Our weaknesses and imperfections in many areas of our lives are PROOF that God is in control. Check out this Scripture from 2 Timothy 2:13, "If we are faithless, He remains faithful [true to His Word and His righteous character], for He cannot deny Himself." As followers of Jesus, we just don't always "get it right" and we sometimes slip into FAITHLESSNESS! When that happens, the Word of God promises that when we are faithless, HE remains FAITHFUL! When the ELIJAH LIST was launched, I was completely wiped out and discouraged, because my previous employment and my other business had both failed. To say I was quite "faithless" is no understatement. I don't mean to tell you that I was committing private sins...at least nothing that I can put my finger on. But what I mean is that the very act of FEELING FAITHLESS will STILL kick in God's promises—that even when we are faithless, HE REMAINS FAITHFUL to us because He simply CANNOT DENY WHO HE IS FOR US! When I had no real faith and when I did not particularly trust in God at the time, 21 years ago, GOD launched the Elijah List. It was a total accident on my part, but it was purposed from the heart of God. I THOUGHT I was starting a private list to 30 friends. I was not launching a ministry. I was only enjoying the early years of Social Media. Before I knew it, I had a full-time ministry and more than 30 employees! Wow! Think of all the times God intervened miraculously in your life—with finances, healings and important relationships that needed repairing. When you think back to all these times, don't you discover that many, MANY times you were not feeling full of FAITH? Yet God came through to you anyway! Am I right? • God kept speaking to you one way or another, remember? • He still took care of things for you financially, isn't this true? • The many times you've recovered from health issues, you were not always being perfectly faithful, were you? This is living PROOF that God is doing what HE SAID HE WOULD DO FOR YOU...He is being FAITHUL, even when you were not being faithful.
Derene and I have given many thank offerings! God loves it and records those offerings in your own books in Heaven! HE ALWAYS remembers gifts of thanksgiving. That does bring me to this critical hour we are in. In 21 years of the Elijah List, God has always been faithful to us and we've never even been late for payroll, NEVER! And yet many times, it's right up to the last minute when payroll is made. This is one such time. Even while this month is the largest giving month of the entire year for all ministries, our income is oddly slow this month. How strange, right? The enemy of our soul always fights against us. But I told the Lord I would always tell our readers and viewers what our needs are—so you would be encouraged to partner with God and with ELIJAH LIST MINISTRIES and ELIJAH STREAMS TV. Would you consider making a year-end gift to this ministry AS A THANK OFFERING TO GOD FOR HIS FAITHFULNESS, EVEN WHEN YOU ARE NOT FAITH-FILLED? This way we can continue to grow and prosper and make inroads into television stations throughout the globe. This is our year of expansion that we are coming into. Now, TODAY, as you write that check or partner with us using a credit card online (below donate button), please do it as a thank offering TO GOD—for Him being faithful to you, even though you and I were not often, or not at all, that faithful to Him! As always, Derene and I want to thank you over and over again. Please remember God always blesses those who bless His prophets and prophetic voices. God bless you today as you make your year-end gift to this ministry. We love you very, VERY much! In the service to God and His Son, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit, Steve and Derene Shultz Thank you for supporting this ministry! God bless you in advance! If you would like to give to the ongoing work of this ministry you can donate online, or by postal mailing your donation to: Elijah List Publications Thank you and God bless you! Permission is granted (and you are also encouraged) to reprint these articles in hard copy form, as well as sending them to your own email lists and posting them on your own websites. We ask only that you keep Elijah List website, email contact info, and author contact information intact. Elijah List Publications |

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MNT weekly newsletter - December 12, 2018
Welcome Kuk, here's this week's Medical News Today newsletter, containing the headlines from the past week, across your chosen news categories. |
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Dear Kuk, |
Blood / Hematology |
Diabetes: Are you over-monitoring your blood sugar? New evidence shows that many people with type 2 diabetes test their blood sugar levels too often, which costs hundreds of dollars a year. |
A new blood test could help diagnose Alzheimer's New research focuses on an accurate blood test for Alzheimer's disease. If scientists replicate the study's promising results, it may be a breakthrough. |
Diabetes: Fasting before a blood test might actually be harmful Is it actually a good idea for people with diabetes to fast before having a blood cholesterol test? A new study suggests this may do more harm than good. |
Bones / Orthopedics |
Sunken fontanel: Everything you need to know Babies are born with fontanels to allow the skull to be flexible enough to pass through the birth canal. Sometimes, these fontanels may appear sunken and require medical treatment. |
Breast Cancer |
What to know about fibroadenomas of the breast A fibroadenoma is a noncancerous lump that can develop in the breast. Learn about the causes, diagnosis, complications, and possible treatment of fibroadenomas in this article. |
GastroIntestinal / Gastroenterology |
What causes pelvic pain? A wide range of infections and underlying conditions can cause pelvic pain, most of which are treatable. Learn about the possible causes of pelvic pain here, as well as when to see a doctor. |
What is appendix cancer? Appendix cancer is very rare, and many people experience no symptoms in the early stages. Doctors often diagnose this cancer when it spreads to other organs or after they remove a person's appendix due to appendicitis. Learn more here. |
Can marijuana ease symptoms of Crohn's disease? In regions where it is legal, many doctors are prescribing medical marijuana to treat certain conditions. Some small studies suggest that marijuana may also have the potential to relieve symptoms of Crohn's disease. However, more research is necessary to confirm these findings. Learn more here. |
Crohn's disease and pregnancy Crohn's disease and pregnancy can affect each other. However, most women who conceive while their Crohn's disease is in remission can have a normal pregnancy and healthy baby. Learn more here. |
How safe are probiotics? Products that contain probiotics are more popular than ever. A recent article asks if they are safe and whether the evidence backs up their claims. |
Parkinson's: Dietary compound moves toxic protein from gut to brain A new study describes how low levels of herbicide mixed with a common dietary compound can transport toxic proteins to the brain, causing Parkinsonism. |
Hypertension |
What to know about high blood pressure during pregnancy A doctor should monitor high blood pressure (hypertension) during pregnancy to prevent complications for the mother, such as preeclampsia, and the baby. High blood pressure is usually treatable and preventable. Learn about the types, causes, and treatments of high blood pressure during pregnancy here. |
Lymphoma |
What to know about stage 4 lymphoma The symptoms, treatment, and survival rates of stage 4 lymphoma depend on the type of lymphoma and the risk factors that the individual has. Learn more here. |
Men's Health |
Prostate cancer and back pain Back pain is a common complaint with many possible causes. In some cases, chronic, unexplained back pain can occur with advanced prostate cancer. Learn more here. |
10 ways to boost libido Sex drive, or libido, naturally varies between people. If a person wants to boost their libido, there are many methods they can try, including lifestyle, diet, remedies, and sex tips. Here, we look at ways to boost libido in both males and females. |
Neurology / Neuroscience |
How brain waves enable creative thinking A new study finds that higher levels of alpha brain waves in a specific brain area enable us to think of unexpected associations that signal creativity. |
Does problem-solving stave off mental decline? Is it true that by training your brain with problem-solving tasks, you can keep mental decline at bay later in life? A new study delves into the details. |
Future of Alzheimer's therapy: What is the best approach? A new comprehensive review assesses current clinical trials for Alzheimer's drugs and advises on the best therapeutic approach going forward. |
Parkinson's: Dietary compound moves toxic protein from gut to brain A new study describes how low levels of herbicide mixed with a common dietary compound can transport toxic proteins to the brain, causing Parkinsonism. |
This form of brain training may help treat severe schizophrenia New research finds that targeted cognitive training improves verbal and auditory outcomes in people with treatment-resistant schizophrenia. |
Is it possible to reverse 'chemo brain?' 'Chemo brain' affects many people who have undergone cancer treatment. What happens in the brain, and how can we reverse this effect? |
A new blood test could help diagnose Alzheimer's New research focuses on an accurate blood test for Alzheimer's disease. If scientists replicate the study's promising results, it may be a breakthrough. |
Just one workout offers long-lasting metabolic benefits New research suggests that we may need less physical activity than we thought to reap the benefits of exercise for our metabolism. |
OCD: Brain mechanism explains symptoms The largest study of its kind examines the brains of people living with obsessive-compulsive disorder and offers new insights into the condition. |
Nutrition / Diet |
What is the military diet and does it work? People following the military diet spend 3 days restricting their calorie intake and then have 4 days of regular eating. Supporters of the diet believe that it can help people lose weight quickly, but a lack of variety could mean that people miss out on some nutrients. Learn more about this diet here. |
What are the best foods to eat for energy? Foods and drinks fuel the body. Energy-boosting examples include bananas, avocados, apples, and coffee. Learn more about the best things to eat and drink for energy here. |
What are the benefits of seaweed? Seaweed contains many nutrients and vitamins. Adding it to the diet can help people with thyroid function, diabetes, and weight loss. Learn more here. |
What foods protect the liver? Some foods and drinks can help protect liver health. These include coffee, oatmeal, grapes, nuts, and fatty fish, among others. Learn more about the foods and drinks that are good for liver health here. |
What is a pescatarian diet? A pescatarian diet involves eating fish, as a main source of protein, alongside vegetables and other plant-based foods. Learn more about the health benefits of this diet, its environmental impact, and potential risks. We also highlight the best types of fish to eat, and how a pescatarian diet may improve health. |
What are the benefits of bone broth? Bone broth has a high vitamin and mineral content. The benefits of consuming bone broth include better joint protection, reduced inflammation, and better sleep. Learn more about the benefits of bone broth here. |
Pain / Anesthetics |
Bowel endometriosis: What to know Bowel endometriosis is when tissue similar to endometrial tissue develops on the bowel, causing a range of symptoms. In this article, learn about the causes and treatments. |
What to know about marijuana and multiple sclerosis Marijuana has many potential uses, which includes the treatment of specific symptoms of multiple sclerosis (MS). Learn more about the possible benefits of marijuana for people with MS here. |
Can marijuana ease symptoms of Crohn's disease? In regions where it is legal, many doctors are prescribing medical marijuana to treat certain conditions. Some small studies suggest that marijuana may also have the potential to relieve symptoms of Crohn's disease. However, more research is necessary to confirm these findings. Learn more here. |
Prostate / Prostate Cancer |
Prostate cancer and back pain Back pain is a common complaint with many possible causes. In some cases, chronic, unexplained back pain can occur with advanced prostate cancer. Learn more here. |
Respiratory |
Weight may affect the risk of flu hospitalization Hospitalization due to flu or flu-like viruses is more likely in underweight adults or those with obesity in the morbid range or higher, says a new study. |
Sexual Health / STDs |
What causes pelvic pain? A wide range of infections and underlying conditions can cause pelvic pain, most of which are treatable. Learn about the possible causes of pelvic pain here, as well as when to see a doctor. |
What is female ejaculation? Female ejaculation is when a woman's urethra expels fluid during orgasm or sexual arousal. This ejaculation is perfectly normal, and research suggests that it is common but that people do not often talk about it. Learn more here. |
What is the link between HPV and HIV? HPV and HIV are both sexually transmitted infections caused by viruses. They are separate conditions with different symptoms, treatments, and preventions. A person with HIV may be more prone to contracting HPV and experience worse complications. Learn more here. |
What to know about genital herpes Genital herpes is a sexually transmitted infection. It can cause blisters and sores around the genitals and anus, but it may cause no symptoms. This article provides an overview of the symptoms, causes, and treatments for genital herpes. |
Herpes simplex: Everything you need to know Herpes simplex is a very common virus that affects billions of people globally. It can cause sores around the mouth or on the genitals and surrounding areas. Learn more about herpes simplex here. |
Pictures and symptoms of common STDs Understanding the symptoms of common STDs can help people notice any changes in their bodies, so that they can identify the signs and get the right treatment. In this article, we provide a visual guide to common STDs with pictures, symptoms, and treatments. |
10 ways to boost libido Sex drive, or libido, naturally varies between people. If a person wants to boost their libido, there are many methods they can try, including lifestyle, diet, remedies, and sex tips. Here, we look at ways to boost libido in both males and females. |
Stroke |
Statins: Risk of side effects is low, say experts For most people at risk of heart attack and stroke, using statins to lower cholesterol brings more benefits than risks, say the American Heart Association. |
Excess belly fat common in those with high heart risk A European study of cardiovascular disease prevention finds that nearly two-thirds of those with high heart disease and stroke risk have excess waist fat. |
Urology / Nephrology |
What is the normal pH range for urine? The acidity of urine varies greatly depending on a person's diet and any medical conditions they may have. In this article, we discuss the normal pH range for urine, and what abnormal test results might mean. |
Can D-mannose treat a UTI? D-mannose is a type of sugar that researchers believe may help treat urinary tract infections (UTIs). Learn more about the studies, conclusions, and possible dosage here. |
Women's Health / Gynecology |
Bowel endometriosis: What to know Bowel endometriosis is when tissue similar to endometrial tissue develops on the bowel, causing a range of symptoms. In this article, learn about the causes and treatments. |
What is female ejaculation? Female ejaculation is when a woman's urethra expels fluid during orgasm or sexual arousal. This ejaculation is perfectly normal, and research suggests that it is common but that people do not often talk about it. Learn more here. |
What to know about fibroadenomas of the breast A fibroadenoma is a noncancerous lump that can develop in the breast. Learn about the causes, diagnosis, complications, and possible treatment of fibroadenomas in this article. |
Crohn's disease and pregnancy Crohn's disease and pregnancy can affect each other. However, most women who conceive while their Crohn's disease is in remission can have a normal pregnancy and healthy baby. Learn more here. |
Can D-mannose treat a UTI? D-mannose is a type of sugar that researchers believe may help treat urinary tract infections (UTIs). Learn more about the studies, conclusions, and possible dosage here. |
5 natural ways to reduce breast size Breast tissue is largely made up of fatty materials. Losing body fat is one effective way to reduce breast size naturally. In this article, we look at five methods people can use to reduce breast size, or the appearance of breasts. |
10 ways to boost libido Sex drive, or libido, naturally varies between people. If a person wants to boost their libido, there are many methods they can try, including lifestyle, diet, remedies, and sex tips. Here, we look at ways to boost libido in both males and females. |
Chat with MNT on Facebook Messenger Get the latest MNT news in Facebook Messenger. Chat with us now! Just send us a message from our Facebook page. Alternatively, use this link to chat directly on Messenger. |
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