ITSAN welcomes Molly Evans and Rochelle Richter to the Team!
We are so excited to introduce to you two new board members who will be joining our work in raising awareness and supporting individuals going through Topical Steroid Withdrawal. Please join us in welcoming Molly and Rochelle!  Molly began her journey with TSW in September of 2013 after a colleague randomly mentioned steroid addiction to her in a meeting one day. Upon doing just a little research, and finding ITSAN, Molly had the "knowing" in her gut that indeed what had started as an eczema condition as a child, was now a skin addiction to topical steroids. The good news was that her ongoing, chronic skin condition and mystery ailments now had an answer, and yet, it also meant the beginning of a long and winding health road were unfavorably in the cards ahead. After 18 years as a public educator and district administrator, Molly resigned her position to assume a simpler, more positively intentional life that included time for healing, family, and the pursuit of working to educate the masses on health and wellness, especially those in the midst of chronic health struggles. Molly teaches wellness classes and motivates her local community members through social media to bring a sense of empowerment and intentionality to all parts of a more natural lifestyle. For pleasure, Molly enjoys reading, writing, blogging, traveling, and sharing her passion around mindfulness with as many people as possible. Her family, including her parents, her husband of 21 years, her 2 daughters and son have embraced her healing journey as well and were constant cheerleaders as every flare subsided throughout the years. Molly enthusiastically joined the ITSAN board in the fall of 2018 and looks forward to the day TSW is prevented for all. Her current focus will be on developing educational blogs and webinars for our ITSAN community, beginning this coming January. Be on the look out! If you have any topics that you would like addressed in the future, please feel free to contact Molly at: Rochelle Richter joined ITSAN's board as Treasurer in the winter of 2018. She is a veteran RSS/TSW Survivor and prior to that has been a patient advocate since ITSAN's advent (you can see her on our brochures!). She entered withdrawal in May of 2011 and has been healed for 6 years now. Being mostly a moderate strength steroid user for only a few years, her eczema spread quickly. After taking multiple tests that came back normal, her doctor diagnosed her with "incurable eczema." In complete misery and desperation for an answer that made sense, she found the forerunner to ITSAN's website, and the rest is history. Rochelle holds a bachelor's degree in accounting and has several years experience both in public and corporate accounting. She recently left corporate America in pursuit of a better culture and work in causes she cares about. Currently, she works as a nanny and small business accountant. She is also an advocate for child verbal and physical abuse prevention and volunteers for Big Brothers Big Sisters of America. She lives in Atlanta, GA with her husband and two fur kids. She enjoys traveling, hiking, snowboarding, interior design, reading, art, tennis, and concerts. Rochelle's background in accounting will be a huge asset as we continue to develop as an organization and begin applying for grants that will help us accomplish so much more for our community. You can reach Rochelle with any financial questions at: Susan Ryza, who has served as ITSAN's treasurer since its inception will continue to serve on the board even though she is stepping down from her role as treasurer. We are so very grateful for all of the time she has invested and given to keep the financial side of ITSAN in good order and repute. An enormous THANK YOU from us all, Susan! It's truly a joy and a privilege to work together with such amazing individuals to bring an end to the suffering. Wishing you all the best as you gear up for the Holiday Season, Kelly Barta ITSAN President |