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December 29, 2018 "Steve Shultz: Look for Explosive Growth!"  Steve Shultz here...we wanted to take a moment to say: "THANK YOU" for your faithful support—in helping us TO make the vision for Elijah Streams possible. We sense that God is moving MIRACULOUSLY with EXPLOSIVE GROWTH and MASS COMMUNICATION—in order to prepare for and usher in a Great Awakening! May I ask you for a HUGE FAVOR? As we've entered the final days of 2018—it's VERY crucial that we make our FUNDRAISING GOALS—so we can continue to provide fresh revelation to YOU through our ELIJAH STREAMS prophetic programming. We know that a GREAT MANY PEOPLE WAIT UNTIL THE LAST FEW DAYS OF THE YEAR—TO MAKE THEIR TAX-DEDUCTIBLE DONATIONS TO VARIOUS MINISTRIES! With that in mind, would YOU consider pausing right now—and making your BEST DONATION to ELIJAH STREAMS for the end of 2018? This is the time of year when our needs are the greatest because we are wrapping up one year and pushing ahead into what God is doing for 2019. Derene and I want to THANK YOU, RIGHT NOW, in advance for your gift. Please know that we are so grateful for you in our lives—and how you are making it possible for more and more people throughout the earth to know what God's prophets are saying right now. CLICK HERE TO DONATE: https://secure.qgiv.com/for/elmmi. Your generosity—is keeping many people encouraged around the globe—on ELIJAH STREAMS TV! Click on image below to view message from Steve Shultz:  If you would like to give to the ongoing work of this ministry you can donate online, or by postal mailing your donation to: Elijah List Ministries 528 Ellsworth St. SW, Albany, OR 97321 Thank you and God bless you! Steve and Derene Shultz, Founders Elijah List Ministries  Permission is granted (and you are also encouraged) to reprint these articles in hard copy form, as well as sending them to your own email lists and posting them on your own websites. We ask only that you keep Elijah List website, email contact info, and author contact information intact. Elijah List Publications 528 Ellsworth St. SW Albany, OR 97321 www.elijahlist.com email: info@elijahlist.net Phone 1-541-926-3250 |