It's Time For The Seers To RISE!! Get equipped in the seer anointing with a free video from
my brand-new e-course, The Seer Anointing - Let's Take This To The Next Level. This course has NEVER been offered before.
The gift of seeing in the supernatural is not just for the elite. It's available to all Believers, and in fact God states that we are to "
earnestly desire" it, as He wants us to pursue all the gifts.
(1 Cor 14:1) After the Seer's Path e-course was released, I knew Seers were hungry for more in-depth teaching and mentorship. That's why I created this
NEW COMPREHENSIVE 8 PART E-COURSE and want to share with you one free video from it.
For so long,
I personally walked in the seer gift alone and felt pretty misunderstood. You are not alone.
Seers, you are needed in the Body of Christ. We need you to rise up right now in every nation and use your gift to see what God is saying, doing and releasing for the greatest harvest that is coming!
I recently released an e-course that equips seers to rise up and I would like to
give you one free session from it. Here is the link to the
free session from The Seer Anointing - Let's take this to the Next Level.
In this 8 video series, you will learn how to demystify the seer anointing, and be mentored in the gift so you can discern what God is saying with confidence. Seeing God and walking in the prophetic isn't supposed to feel like guesswork or uncomfortable - but unfortunately, that is how so many Christians feel when it comes to this subject. When you finish this course, you'll be equipped with tools you need to living a lifestyle of the supernatural,
gain practical tools to activate and step into the gift of seeing, walk with greater discernment, and have a Biblical understanding for what a seer actually is and how it operates.
Many times seers do not know how to develop their gift of seeing. They also might not have the language to express in words the revelations they are receiving from the Lord. That is why I wrote my first book, "The Seer's Path". There are subjects I wished I would have covered more extensively. You can view the subjects of this new course
here. So take this course as phase 2 of The Seer's Path! - "The Seer Anointing - Let's Take This to the Next Level."
Amazing encounters with God aren't only possible - they should be normal! So if you are ready to change your normal and go deeper and higher with God and see like you never have before, then please do consider this course. Let's take this life-transforming journey together!
A Great Christmas Present For You Or Your Friend 
It's Beginning to Look a lot like Christmas!!
Okay, it's not Christmas yet...
But maybe you're like me, and your mind is already thinking about Christmas! All the wonderful gatherings of friends and family, yummy food you'll devour, the joyous faces of the littles gathered around the tree.
Christmas is my favorite time of the year because I love to celebrate Jesus! We celebrate Him every day really, but sitting as a family and sharing with our children about the miracle of Jesus' birth and life - there's nothing like it!
This year for Christmas
I am offering a discounted CHRISTMAS PACKAGE that's amazing!
~ My latest book "Seeing Behind the Veil"- a Devotional of 100 Invitations to Intimate Encounters with the Holy Spirit (that's sure to lead you and your loved ones into your own encounters with Jesus' Heart!) Every chapter is a fresh invitation to step behind the veil and encounter the Holy Spirit in a new way! I share insights from prophetic encounters, angelic visitations, and supernatural visions. These words from Heaven are sure to
infuse your every day with hope, encouragement, healing and assurance of God's nearness.
~ "Kast" my favorite soaking CD by my friends Josiah and Hannah Wyatt that carries anointing for encounter. These two have personally traveled and ministered with me, so I can vouch for the anointing on their ministry. God shows up when they lead worship! As soon as I listened to the first track - I was brought right up into His Glory!
I can't recommend the two of these together ENOUGH!
So please grab onto this Christmas deal while it lasts, and tell your friends and loved ones!
Many blessings and may you have a personal encounter with Jesus today! May your spiritual eyes be opened for MORE of Him!
Want To Stay Connected With Me? I would love to stay in touch with you. I am a busy momma of two littles at home, and have a traveling itinerant ministry. Regularly though, I update my blog, do live streams/teachings on Facebook and send out updates to my email subscribers to empower and equip seers and prophets around the world.
You can follow me on Facebook-
www.facebook/anawernerministries Subscribe to my email list and check out my ministry (and itinerary) @ - and let's keep connected!
Many blessings,
Ana Werner