From the Desk of Steve Shultz:

I've heard from others that they are certainly feeling a spiritual "increase" in their lives right now. Some have used the term "upgrade" as well.
Yes, in this time, God is truly anointing and equipping His Church for every good work!
I want you to read this very hope-filled word by Joey LeTourneau that we all need to hear right now.
Yes, believe that there is INCREASE coming even in these very moments.
I'll leave you with this key Scripture from Joey:
"Of the increase of His government and peace there will be no end..." (Isaiah 9:7)
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Steve Shultz, Founder and Publisher
The Elijah List & Breaking Christian News

"...[O]n the day after the Passover the children of Israel went out with boldness in the sight of all the Egyptians." (Numbers 33:3)
Recently, the Lord grabbed me with this verse and continued to press on me to share it. We have just come out of one of the most strategic, worldwide Passover seasons I can remember, and more has probably happened and been accomplished than we can think or imagine.
The Season After Passover
As we look at this passage where it says "the day after the Passover," in the spirit, we are also looking at the season after this Passover that we are, right now, at this moment, stepping into. It is a time for the children of God to prepare to rise up and go out across culture and society with boldness, not just going back to what we were doing, but stepping into God's increase for the moment, right in sight of the Egyptians of the world. It's an invitation to seize this time like never before, beyond the walls that have contained us in the past, each of us going out to the field the Lord has set before us.
I do not share this to encourage that we brazenly break through the "stay-at-home" orders that are still in place, but to trumpet the invitation that God has been whispering to our hearts during this season of seclusion, to boldly step into the "beyond" that has been percolating within us. Soon, this storm will pass; it will be morning—perhaps early in the morning while it still may appear dark—but the sun is rising and so must we! It's time to boldly (and wisely) go out and seize this moment with the life and nature of Christ in us, each in our own special and unique way and place.
"Do you not say, 'There are still four months and then comes the harvest'? Behold, I say to you, lift up your eyes and look at the fields, for they are already ripe for harvest." (John 4:35) (Photo via Pixabay)
How easy it can be to hesitate in the residue of last season's strategic waiting, to reason within ourselves why we're not ready, why we can't, why it might not be time. But I haven't been able to shake that phrase from my spirit these last two months: It's time!
Look up at the fields before you, step out into that early dawn hour and seize the Heaven-filled moment that is this readied field and ripened harvest. Prepare your heart to step in the ways He has been preparing within you, and boldly go out of the house you have known – not just the one you've been quarantined in, but the house you've been building all these years – and see the bigger picture of what God is building right now. He is calling all of us together to see how He will build (not just through our buildings and organizations but through the open fields that are white for harvest before us) right in the middle of the enemies of culture and across society. There is an increase in us all that has been prepared for this time.
One Heart and One Soul
"And when they had prayed, the place where they were assembled together was shaken; and they were all filled with the Holy Spirit, and they spoke the word of God with boldness. Now the multitude of those who believed were of one heart and one soul..." (Acts 4:31-32)
I believe this passage is where so much of the mission of God's Church and family was launched. As they came into this uncommon form of unity, of one heart and one soul, the walls fell down, and they did just what God commanded on that day after Passover; they went out with boldness.
"One heart" can also mean to be in sync or in tune. And being of "one soul," or "one mind" can be likened to breathing spiritually together. Here we have a church, a family, that learned a revolutionary kind of unity that wasn't based on external similarities; rather, their hearts remained in their own unique identities and callings while, together, each beat and breathed in sync and in tune with the Spirit's greater heartbeat. Each person's "micro" perspective or calling suddenly aligned at the same time with God's "macro" purpose.
This special oneness bred such a lineage of exponential multiplication and increase, and it's a kind of unity that we must realize once again today. It is all of us stepping into our own readied, whitened field, operating differently but with the same heartbeat and rhythm, building together toward the same goal. We step beyond the building of our ministry and do our part, as individuals, to build the "whole" across society, across culture, and throughout the world. This is a time to get beyond our old structures and to go out boldly, together, in a oneness that cannot happen apart from the Spirit.
The world is trying so hard to counterfeit this kind of oneness in many different ways for its own agenda, but nothing compares with what will happen when, across the nations, we come into sync and in tune with one another, in His Spirit, with what He is doing in this season. This is the kind of unity Jesus prayed for in John 17:20-26, and the authentic kind of unity that is a vital part of... (continue reading)