| | The Elijah List is able to bless you with daily prophetic words free of charge because of our trusted advertising partners. For more information, click here. | | Don't Miss FREE Livestreaming Starting the Year Off Right 2020! Join Chuck D. Pierce for this Weekend of Entering the Supernatural, Mystical Era Ahead! NO Charge to Attend Onsite or by Livestream! | | We are entering one of the most mystical times in our modern history, which will result in a dimension of supernatural encounters beyond what we have ever known; the earth will be filled with a mystical, supernatural atmosphere. Therefore, God's people must know what the Spirit of God is saying to the Church. Glory of Zion International invites you to Starting the Year Off Right, beginning tonight and running through Sunday morning. There is NO COST to join us onsite or by livestream. We have an incredible team to help us start things off right, including Cindy Jacobs, Daniel & Amber Pierce, Isaac Pitre, Jane Hamon, Mark Gonzales, Mesfin Mulugeta, Misty Edwards, Robert Heidler, Tim Sheets, and Venner Alston. This crossover weekend celebration will allow the prophets to speak and the nations to hear. Be activated and anointed for the era ahead! Blessings, | Location: Global Spheres Center 7801 S I–35 E Corinth, TX 76210 Click Here for a map Date: January 2-5, 2020 | | Speakers | Chuck D. Pierce, Cindy Jacobs, Daniel & Amber Pierce, Isaac Pitre, Jane Hamon, Mark Gonzales, Mesfin Mulugeta, Misty Edwards, Robert Heidler, Tim Sheets, Venner Alston Charles D. "Chuck" Pierce serves as President of Global Spheres, Inc. (GSI) in Corinth, Texas. This is an apostolic, prophetic ministry that is being used to gather and mobilize the worshipping Triumphant Reserve throughout the world. GSI facilitates other ministries as well and participates in regional and national gatherings to develop new Kingdom paradigms. Chuck also serves as President of Glory of Zion International Ministries, a ministry that aligns Jew and Gentile. He is known for his accurate prophetic gifting which helps direct nations, cities, churches and individuals in understanding the times and seasons in which we live. Chuck and his wife, Pam, have six children and fourteen grandchildren. | Cindy Jacobs is a prophet, speaker, teacher, and author with a heart for discipling nations in the areas of prayer and the prophetic. Her first calling is, and always will be, prophetic intercession. Ever since the Lord called her at nine years old with the Scripture, "Ask of Me, and I will give you the nations for your inheritance, and the ends of the world for your possession," she has taken that calling seriously. She and Mike, her husband of 40 plus years, co-founded Generals International in 1985, and she has now ministered in more than 100 nations of the world and spoken before hundreds of thousands, including many heads of nations. She loves helping people walk in the ministry of prophetic intercession, equipping them to pray effectively for their families, cities, and nations. | Daniel and Amber Pierce moved to Israel in 2011. They spent several years building relationships with local leaders and serving in many capacities before following the Lord's call to open and establish the Glory of Zion Justice Ministry Center. This call originated out of a longing to worship the Lord in an atmosphere of spiritual freedom. Through this open door of worship, God quickly began to reveal needs in both local and international communities to experience and connect in freedom with the Holy Spirit in a stronger way. Daniel and Amber Pierce hosted "Rise as One" worship meetings in Jerusalem for over two years before establishing the GOZJ Center. The newly expanded apostolic hub opened at Pentecost 2019. | Isaac Pitre is the founder of Isaac Pitre Ministries, Inc., and the founder and pastor of Christ Nations, a non-denominational, multi-cultural ministry. He boldly proclaims a message that motivates and inspires Believers to step into their own personal greatness. He is known for his revelatory insights and Biblical interpretations that unlock the hidden truths in the Word of God. Isaac also travels throughout the country as a conference speaker and has been a guest on many television ministry programs. Graced with a gift and call for music, he is also a singer, songwriter, and producer, as well as the author of The Divine DNA: Your Identity with Divinity. He and his wife, Janet, currently reside in Texarkana, Texas. | Jane Hamon, along with her husband, Tom, are the senior leaders of Vision Church at Christian International in Santa Rosa Beach, Florida. Jane is a gifted leader and author, bringing the word of the Lord to individuals, churches and nations, and imparting vision and life through her clear, inspired teaching. Her passion is to see people come fully alive to the wonderful plans God has for them and to help the Church awaken to its highest purposes by hearing God's voice, understanding His principles, and bringing transformation to the world around them. She and Tom have three children, and a growing number of grandchildren. | Mark Gonzales is the Founder of the United States Hispanic Prayer Network and the United States Hispanic Action Network, two organizations that God is using in this hour to awaken, equip and engage the church to establish His Kingdom agenda and values on the earth. Mark travels the nation extensively, training, engaging, mobilizing and organizing the church in prayer and civic action from a Biblical worldview. He has been an effective leader in the movements of prayer and civic engagement for over 15 years. He's also had the privilege of working with ministries like the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association, the Global Day of Prayer, National Day of Prayer, The Call, Generals International, America for Jesus, Texas Apostolic Prayer Network, Heartland Apostolic Prayer Network, and many more. | Mesfin Mulugeta was born again 30 years ago, and for the past 29 years has been serving the Lord at Kolfee Kale Heywot Church as Evangelist and Senior Pastor. He also serves as a leader for the regional Evangelical Churches Fellowship of Kolfee, and is the country director of Gospel of Glory's Ethiopia Ministry. He travels to many different towns in Ethiopia for evangelism crusades, preaching, and to equip pastors who come from different parts of the country. Pastor Mesfin also frequently travels outside of Ethiopia as a keynote speaker. He and his wife, along with their four children, live in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. | Misty Edwards is a worship leader and recording artist from The International House of Prayer in Kansas City. She serves on the leadership team in Kansas City where they maintain a 24/7 prayer room along with a Bible school and a church community. She desires that her worship would bring people into the place of encounter with the heart of the Lord. Misty has served in Jerusalem for the past year. She has a passion to see the fullness of God's plan unfold in the nation of Israel, and continues to intercede for this from Kansas City. | Robert Heidler is the senior teacher at Glory of Zion and ministers internationally as an apostolic teacher. He has traveled and ministered extensively in the former Soviet Union and has taught at the Messianic Jewish Bible Institutes in Odessa, Ukraine; Moscow, Russia; and Budapest, Hungary. Robert ministers the Word through the Spirit's power to bring individuals into an experiential walk with the Lord that allows them to enter the fullness of their destiny in Christ. The goal of his ministry is to nurture revival in the Church worldwide. Robert and his wife, Linda, have been married for 49 years, have two sons and a daughter, and five grandchildren. | Tim Sheets is an Apostle, Pastor, and Author based in southwestern Ohio. He is the founder of Awakening Now Prayer Network and is dedicated to seeing awakening and reformation everywhere. He ministers nationally and internationally at conferences, churches, seminars, and Bible schools. He is the author of the bestseller "Angel Armies" as well as "Planting the Heavens" and "Heaven Made Real." His latest book is "The New Era of Glory". Tim resides with his wife, Carol, in Lebanon, Ohio. They have two children, and seven grandchildren. | Venner Alston travels throughout the United States, Europe, Middle East, Asia, Caribbean Islands and Africa as an apostle and public speaker, communicating hope and offering Kingdom solutions to both individual and societal issues to both men and women. Venner is the apostle of Global Outreach Ministries and Training Center, in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. She has a passion for education and completed her doctoral degree in Urban Education. Venner has been a successful entrepreneur founding and overseeing a pre-school program and a private Christian school for 15 years. She is a frequent speaker at Glory of Zion International at the Global Spheres Center where she is also establishing a base for ministry. | Worship:  | Schedule: January 2-5, 2020 Thursday: 5:30 PM Registration Opens 7:00 PM Celebration Begins and Continues through 10 PM Friday and Saturday: 7:30 AM – 10 PM Sunday: 8:00 AM – Noon | To Participate onsite in Corinth, TX: | 1. Register Online or at the door on Thursday at 5:30 PM 2. Call 888-965-1099 or 940-382-7231 There is NO COST to attend. | To Participate by webcast: | This conference will be available to view live over the internet. There is NO COST to join by webcast. However, you must register whether attending in person or viewing by live stream. Register online today if you plan to live stream! | For more information, visit www.gloryofzion.org. | | | | |  | | | | | |  | |