As odd as it may seem, many people in the Body of Christ are completely missing the Voice and the direction of God about our President, Donald J. Trump.
What do I mean when I say they are missing it?
I mean, many write to us and, in one way or another, they are expecting our president to act as if he is the Pastor in Chief of the United States. This is NOT the will of God and those words and those thoughts are NOT COMING FROM GOD. President Trump is not our Pastor in Chief. That role belongs to the Good Shepherd Himself, Jesus Christ. 
God inspired our Founding Fathers more than 200 years ago to look to the duly elected president as the "Commander in Chief." That means he is the head of all the branches of the military. In one sense, he might be looked upon as the top general of the United States Armed Forces.
While at the Presidential Prayer Breakfast in Washington, D.C. last February, I was able to personally meet with a former Governor and Senator. He had one question for me because he is already a long-term follower of Elijah List Ministries.
What was his question?
He said, "Steve, my one question is, which of your prophets do you follow the most closely?" I happily promised him I would prepare an extensive list of respected prophets for him and a few days later, I emailed that list straight to him personally. A second former governor asked for a copy of that same list.

Our government, in many corners, is absolutely paying attention to what God is saying through His prophets.
Why am I telling you this?
With all my heart, I believe God has HIS hand of Favor on President Donald J. Trump and this year, I will be sending, from time to time, more prophetic words that relate to how YOU can pray and how YOU can discern what God is doing with and for this president.
Strong Christians should have, long ago, QUIT JUDGING THIS PRESIDENT (or any president) simply because they don't like his language or his approach to Twitter or anything else. The only discernment going on should involve these: 1) | What policies is this president putting into place? |
2) | What is God saying in this hour for this president (or any president)? |
3) | What is God saying TO YOU about how you must pray? |
4) | What is God saying about what is YOUR RESPONSIBILITY to DO with the revelation He gives you? |
Now, please note that we are not a political organization but our nation, the
United States, is ONE NATION UNDER GOD. We say it when we do the Pledge of Allegiance and we say it BECAUSE IT'S ALWAYS BEEN TRUE, that we are One Nation Under God! 
Please help support this ministry this year by becoming a monthly partner (or even if you can only give one time). We know, from our research, that well over ONE THOUSAND FEDERAL GOVERNMENT ELECTED OFFICIALS AND STAFFERS receive revelation by ELIJAH LIST MINISTRIES AND ELIJAH STREAMS TV and our other ministries, so that they can know what God is saying for this nation.
You are GREATLY NEEDED in this day and in this hour. Thank you, in advance, for your generous support!
And remember that the Word of God says that when you
"Receive a prophet in the name of a prophet" you WILL RECEIVE "A prophet's reward" which is important revelation THAT YOU NEED – for yourself, for your business and for your family. God, who sees all, will reward you with revelation in this coming year when He sees you receiving His prophets! Thank you for your generous gift today!