From the Desk of Steve Shultz:

This is a most intriguing word by Jon Hamill of Washington, DC.
Even this week of watching the impeachment trials, it's really important that we pray for our president and all leaders as we are urged to in 1 Timothy 2.
There are some powerful revelations and visions from the Hamills, who are located right in Washington DC, and who focus on intercession for our government and leaders.
I encourage you to read through this and pray into what the Lord wants to do right now in our nation. (To Subscribe to the Elijah List subscribe here.)
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Steve Shultz, Founder and Publisher
The Elijah List & Breaking Christian News
P.S. – Oh, and a Quick Note to our readers: To EXPLORE our more than 2,500 Christian Prophetic books, CDs, and gifts go to:

"Heaven's Gavel Has Fallen! Impeachment Turnaround Securing LIFE"
Jon Hamill, Washington, DC
Last Friday, Washington DC welcomed the 26th annual March for Life. May 2020 go down in history as the year we complete the turnaround for LIFE. Prophetic insights below share on this potential.
In a prophetic experience early in September, the Lord showed how President Trump's unprecedented pro-life advancements form the baseline for the highest levels of resistance to his presidency. And on Tuesday, November 5, 2019, almost exactly a year away from when America votes in 2020, the Lord showed how His gavel has fallen for both an impeachment turnaround and for an incredible advancement for LIFE. Covenant with death and Hell will be annulled!
Please take time to prayerfully engage with the prophetic word below...