Andrew Towe is an emerging prophetic voice and a powerful preacher. He leads a dynamic church and has a growing ministry. He is also a part of my global ministry network and family.
I believe in his accuracy, integrity and passion. His preaching is powerful and his voice, strong. I highly recommend him as a rising prophetic voice to the nations. (To Subscribe to the Elijah List subscribe here.)
The Lord spoke to me that we are entering a season of EMERGING. The word "emerge" is defined as "to come forth into view or notice, as from concealment or obscurity."
God is raising up unexpected people, voices, businesses, churches and ministries from seemingly out of nowhere. Many have been hidden away by God. Perhaps, what you thought was rejection, was simply God's protection over your life. Those of you who have felt forgotten or overlooked, God says, "I have not forgotten you."
Hidden Away in the Ark
When Moses wrote, "And God remembered Noah..." (Gen. 8:1), he was not implying that God forgot about Noah in the ark, but instead he was declaring that God was moving toward Noah through His covenant promises. Right now, God is moving toward you through His covenant promises!
Remember that Noah had been "shut in" the ark by God, Himself. I can only imagine what Noah felt like in that place of confinement, being exposed to the pungent aromas of the animals and the constant motion of the boat. It was not an easy journey for him. No doubt, there were times the ark felt somewhat like a prison. Has God ever shut you in? In that place of confinement, have you cried out, "How much longer, God?" Then you know how Noah must have felt.
There came a day, though, when God said, "Noah, it is your time to emerge. It is your time to come forth from being hidden away." Noah sailed on the waters that killed everyone else, and you too will EMERGE from the carnage that surrounds you. (Photo via Pixabay)
Propelling into Destiny
Every plot, plan and scheme of the enemy is now propelling you into your destiny. For example, take Joseph; his brothers sold him into slavery to stop his prophetic dreams from coming to pass. Just like him, the enemy also has tried to stop your prophetic promises from coming forth, and as God positioned Joseph, He too has positioned you to EMERGE.
Joseph's brothers lied and said their brother was dead. There are those who have said, "It is over for you." Those who celebrated your funeral are about to witness your come back. God was with you in the pit. He was with you in a foreign place. He was with you in the midst of gossip and accusation. He was with you in the hard place of betrayal, hurt and pain. He was with you in the place of confinement.
Get ready, for you will see God's hand sweep down and raise you up to a place of great prominence in the land of your affliction!
Know this—Joseph had to be betrayed by his brothers to get him to the place where God could launch him, even the place of positioning into surreal greatness. What the brothers meant for Joseph's evil, God used as his mode of transportation.
Are you hearing what God is saying TO YOU? Just like Joseph, you too are going to EMERGE! Joseph was suddenly presented with an opportunity to function in his anointing and interpret Pharaoh's dream. I hear God saying:
"Divine opportunities are coming in this season for you. You are coming out of concealment and emerging into... (continue reading)