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December 12, 2018 "Steve Shultz: Crazy - My Stumblings PROVE God's Intimate Control of YOUR LIFE!"![]() It's been on my heart to tell you or remind you of the PROOF I have about how—YOUR LIFE is under the control of the Lord, Himself. But first, let's remind ourselves that people in the Kingdom of God, born-again Believers, no matter how anointed we are—are all imperfect vessels. Walking by the Spirit does not mean we don't make mistakes. Our weaknesses and imperfections in many areas of our lives are PROOF that God is in control. Check out this Scripture from 2 Timothy 2:13, "If we are faithless, He remains faithful [true to His Word and His righteous character], for He cannot deny Himself." As followers of Jesus, we just don't always "get it right" and we sometimes slip into FAITHLESSNESS! When that happens, the Word of God promises that when we are faithless, HE remains FAITHFUL! When the ELIJAH LIST was launched, I was completely wiped out and discouraged, because my previous employment and my other business had both failed. To say I was quite "faithless" is no understatement. I don't mean to tell you that I was committing private sins...at least nothing that I can put my finger on. But what I mean is that the very act of FEELING FAITHLESS will STILL kick in God's promises—that even when we are faithless, HE REMAINS FAITHFUL to us because He simply CANNOT DENY WHO HE IS FOR US! When I had no real faith and when I did not particularly trust in God at the time, 21 years ago, GOD launched the Elijah List. It was a total accident on my part, but it was purposed from the heart of God. I THOUGHT I was starting a private list to 30 friends. I was not launching a ministry. I was only enjoying the early years of Social Media. Before I knew it, I had a full-time ministry and more than 30 employees! Wow! Think of all the times God intervened miraculously in your life—with finances, healings and important relationships that needed repairing. When you think back to all these times, don't you discover that many, MANY times you were not feeling full of FAITH? Yet God came through to you anyway! Am I right? • God kept speaking to you one way or another, remember? • He still took care of things for you financially, isn't this true? • The many times you've recovered from health issues, you were not always being perfectly faithful, were you? This is living PROOF that God is doing what HE SAID HE WOULD DO FOR YOU...He is being FAITHUL, even when you were not being faithful.
Derene and I have given many thank offerings! God loves it and records those offerings in your own books in Heaven! HE ALWAYS remembers gifts of thanksgiving. That does bring me to this critical hour we are in. In 21 years of the Elijah List, God has always been faithful to us and we've never even been late for payroll, NEVER! And yet many times, it's right up to the last minute when payroll is made. This is one such time. Even while this month is the largest giving month of the entire year for all ministries, our income is oddly slow this month. How strange, right? The enemy of our soul always fights against us. But I told the Lord I would always tell our readers and viewers what our needs are—so you would be encouraged to partner with God and with ELIJAH LIST MINISTRIES and ELIJAH STREAMS TV. Would you consider making a year-end gift to this ministry AS A THANK OFFERING TO GOD FOR HIS FAITHFULNESS, EVEN WHEN YOU ARE NOT FAITH-FILLED? This way we can continue to grow and prosper and make inroads into television stations throughout the globe. This is our year of expansion that we are coming into. Now, TODAY, as you write that check or partner with us using a credit card online (below donate button), please do it as a thank offering TO GOD—for Him being faithful to you, even though you and I were not often, or not at all, that faithful to Him! As always, Derene and I want to thank you over and over again. Please remember God always blesses those who bless His prophets and prophetic voices. God bless you today as you make your year-end gift to this ministry. We love you very, VERY much! In the service to God and His Son, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit, Steve and Derene Shultz Thank you for supporting this ministry! God bless you in advance! If you would like to give to the ongoing work of this ministry you can donate online, or by postal mailing your donation to: Elijah List Publications Thank you and God bless you! Permission is granted (and you are also encouraged) to reprint these articles in hard copy form, as well as sending them to your own email lists and posting them on your own websites. We ask only that you keep Elijah List website, email contact info, and author contact information intact. Elijah List Publications |

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