From the Desk of Steve Shultz: Yes, even in these time of being quarantined, you can blossom and grow with the Lord! We've heard about so many people receiving an increase in gifts, anointings and encounters in this shut-in time. That is "the good" which has come out of this, along with spending much more time with loved ones. Others have also shared that we are in a time of awakening, just as Kathi Pelton presents here: Can you see the dawn awakening? Can you smell the fragrance of what has blossomed? Can you feel the anticipation of the Father to reveal the Bride as she has been prepared? Yes, we are on the verge of the dawning of a new day. (To Subscribe to the Elijah List subscribe here.) Enjoy! Thank you for making the always-free Elijah List Ministries possible. To partner with us, click here. Your donations truly help us keep these emails free for you. Donate at: Please forward this word to your friends! Encourage them to subscribe to the Elijah List right here: Steve Shultz, Founder and Publisher The Elijah List & Breaking Christian News ************************************* "June Is the Month of Revealing!" Kathi Pelton, Fredericksburg, Virginia  The word "blossom" has been one of my quarantine words. Why? Well, as we all began to cover our faces and separate from one another, I began to see a picture emerging of a flower bud—closed and hidden. Then, as the earth slept, it opened up in all of its beauty and brilliance, unmasked, for all to see. The Bride Has Blossomed! I believe that we are at the end of a long night, where we went to sleep only seeing signs of spring and signs of the budding of flowers, but as the dawn is beginning to awaken on this quarantine, and we are able to come face to face with one another once again...we will see that the Bride has blossomed! Even as I have connected online with His people around the world, I have seen an awakening and transformation—a blossoming! It is like a beautiful garden has been unlocked and revealed in all of its splendor and beauty. The flowers have appeared and the fragrance is like the perfume that filled the room when it was poured over the feet of Jesus. I love to watch the spring bulbs as they come up out of the ground and the buds appear. I am filled with anticipation for the unveiling of the beauty hidden within. Then each year I will go to bed one night with only buds and the next morning wake up to see that they have blossomed! It is like a prince came and kissed each one during the night and they opened their eyes and arose to display their beauty and to release their fragrance. This is what is happening with the Bride! Before this global shut down we were a bud just waiting to be kissed by the Son and awakened. But suddenly, the night is coming to a close and we have received our kiss and are in full bloom. We are in the newness of morning. (Photo via Piqsels) The Bride is like the Shulamite in the Song of Songs that has now responded to her Beloved and is ready to run with Him. This time has nurtured the beauty of oneness with Christ which creates oneness with each other. John 17:23 says that this oneness will reveal to the world who Jesus truly is: "I am in them and You are in Me. May they experience such perfect unity that the world will know that You sent Me and that You love them as much as You love Me." Perfect unity is oneness—this is seen in... (continue reading) Find us on: * Facebook click here * XAPiT click here PLEASE FORWARD to all your friends! Permission granted (and you are also encouraged) to reprint these articles in hard copy form, as well as sending them to your own email lists and posting them on your own websites. We ask only that you keep Elijah List website, email contact info, and author contact information intact. Elijah List Publications 528 Ellsworth St. SW Albany, OR 97321 email: Phone 1-541-926-3250 |