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Editor's comment Engineering activity has a profound impact on society and the environment around it. This places an ethical requirement on the engineer to ensure that engineering activity helps build society. The President of the SAIMM, in the recent edition of the President's Corner delves deeply into the concept of ethics. Members of the SAIMM are governed by a code of professional ethics which appears as By-law H in the Constitution of the SAIMM. This issue of the Young Professionals Newsletter delves into the various initiatives that are raising awareness of the responsibility engineers have to ensure that their activities benefit humanity, both technically and socio-economically. Encouragingly, these awareness campaigns are being initiated by young people in the minerals industry. In the hands of these technically competent, socially aware and morally conscious engineers, the future of the industry looks brighter than ever.
The YPC and the EWB-SA hosts a screening of an award-winning doccie.  A chilly Joburg evening in the trendy Melrose Arch provided the setting for the screening of the award-winning documentary "The Shore Break". A diverse audience of young engineers, lawyers and finance professionals sat down to the visually and emotionally riveting documentary depicting the social and political complexities surrounding a proposed titanium mine and smelter in a coastal community. A networking break, held at the conclusion of the documentary, allowed for opinions on the documentary (and some business cards) to be exchanged. The evening culminated in a lively panel discussion on the issues raised through the documentary. The screening, hosted by the Engineers Without Borders South Africa (EWB-SA) Mining for Shared Value (MSV) working group and the YPC on the 26th of May 2016, provided a platform for young professionals to engage broadly on the socio-economic issues associated with engineering activity. The objectives of the evening, aligned with ECSA outcomes, was firstly for young professionals to develop critical awareness of the impact of engineering activity on the social, industrial and physical environment. Secondly, to raise critical awareness of the need to act professionally and ethically and to exercise judgement and take responsibility within ones limits of competence. Read more… Contributing author: Nomathemba Thabethe
The YPC motivates and encourages high school learners at the annual Sci-Bono career day.  On the 24th of May 2016, the YPC attended a Careers Day Expo organized for various high schools around Gauteng as well as neighboring provinces. The purpose was to inform learners from grade 9-12 about careers available to them in the Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) field. The YPC representatives took turns in presenting to three groups of students from various high schools about the various career path they can follow within the Engineering field. At the end of each presentation YPC interacted with the learners, answered questions from the learners and got to learn about the career plans that the learners had for themselves. Some learners already had plans to follow careers within the engineering field and others had different careers fields but the presentation was relevant to all of them. Learners got informed about the different institutions that offer STEM qualifications. They left the venue informed and motivated to work hard to achieve their goals. P.Pelo, L. Magwaza, T.Sethu About the Authors Patience, Lungelo and Takalani are BTech students in the Department of Mining Engineering and Mine Surveying, University of Johannesburg. They also serve on the various Working Groups of the YPC.
YP PROFILE Sello Tsebe Becoming a Registered Professional with ECSA Sello Tsebe is the first black engineer under 35 years of age at Mintek to acquire his Pr. Eng. He studied towards a BSc (Eng) in Extractive Metallurgy at Wits University. He worked for Mintek (Research), Rand Refinery (Production) and LogiProc (Design). He has 8 years' experience with expertise in the field of Pyrometallurgy and Hydrometallurgy. He is currently a Senior Engineer at Mintek in the Pyrometallurgy Division. He applied for registration as a Professional Engineer with ECSA in April 2015 and was registered April 2016. According to Sello, the application process involves compiling summary reports about your work experience and training as an engineer, giving details about the types of projects you completed, your responsibilities in the projects and the skills you've developed during the training. Details about your training/experience will be reviewed to determine if it meets the requirements for acceptable training for registration as a Professional Engineer. This will be followed up by an interview with a panel of Professional Engineers within your discipline. Sello says, "It is important to register as a Professional Engineer as you'll receive recognition that you meet the minimum requirements expected of a professional person. This recognition instils a sense of confidence to the public (or clients) as they are assured that your competence has been assessed by other professionals. Registration with ECSA gives you international recognition which enhances your marketability and most employers require registration with ECSA as a prerequisite for appointment to certain engineering positions". | |
VARSITY NEWS UJ's Mining Forum Lends a Hand Members of the Mining Forum of the University of Johannesburg took it upon themselves to impact their immediate environment by helping those less fortunate than most. On the 6th of May 2016 members of the Forum spent time at the Salvation Army Ethembeni Children's Home playing and interacting with the children aged from birth to three years, all of whom have suffered emotional, physical or medical abuse or have been abandoned. Many are HIV positive. The Mining Forum also donated groceries to the amount of R3000 and previously owned clothes and blankets which were collected in each class (S1 to B.Tech). Read more... On the 20th of May 2016, UJ Mining Forum students joined hands with the Department of Mineral Resources (DMR), and various stakeholders for their annual Safety, Health and Environment (SHE) Day at the Doornfontein Campus. Read more... Article by: Tiisetso Monareng-Ramasoga, Baccalaureus Technologiae: Mining Engineering, University of Johannesburg
Wits' young and 'old' promote social cohesion at the annual Ted Edward's sports day.  Witwatersrand University Mining Engineers Association (WUMEA) and Students Mining Engineering Society (SMES) under the auspices of the Wits School of Mining Engineering hosted an event on the 7th May 2016. This is an annual event where students and alumni of the school get together and play various sports in honour of our icon Ted Edward. During the event students get an opportunity to network with industry personnel. Since the School of Mining Engineering is celebrating 120 years of existence, it was befitting to invite other universities to take part on the day. SMES invited schools/departments of mining from University of Johannesburg, University of Pretoria, and also the School of Geosciences and School of Chemical and Metallurgical Engineering from the University of the Witwatersrand. The event was a success, without any doubt the school is still going to shine for years to come. L.Tsoake & K. Mokoena About the Authors Lintle and Kgabo are 3rd year students in the School of Mining Engineering, University of the Witwatersrand. They also serve on the Education Working Group of the YPC.
Help us Raise R500 000 by June 2016  2015 SAIMM Scholarship Fund Recipients (UCT) Now more than ever, students need financial support and we need your help. Over the last 12 years the SAIMM Scholarship Fund has disbursed over R2.9 million towards the education of students in mining, metallurgical and chemical (minerals processing) engineering. This is made possible by kind donations from company affiliates and individual patrons like you. Given the uncertainty of our economy and its dramatic impact on the cost of higher education, demand for scholarships is greater now than it has ever been before. Market conditions have negatively affected bursary and scholarship funding from corporate business and funding is anticipated to significantly decrease during the 2016-2017 academic years. Students still require some form of financial assistance to attend tertiary institutions and to afford tuition, accommodation, transportation, meals and prescribed books. Unless we can raise additional funds for this very worthwhile cause, a number of students will have to drop out of school due to financial reasons. We would like to raise R500 000 this year to help reduce this funding shortfall. Due to our students' urgent need for scholarships, we are asking that you consider making a donation to help fund scholarships. We are specifically seeking donations of R200 but if you are only able to give R50 we will still highly appreciate your support. Donations are tax deductible. Beginning today and concluding on 30 June 2016, funds raised through this initiative will be used to benefit students in the 2016 academic year. If you would like to assist academically deserving students who are struggling to meet their financial needs, donate directly from our website - www.saimm.co.za/donate. It takes only 3-5 minutes of your time to change a life forever. Any support will be highly appreciated by us and the students that we provide a service to. If you have any queries please feel free to contact Sam Moolla via email at Sam@saimm.co.za. We truly appreciate your consideration of our request and your support of the SAIMM Scholarship Trust Fund. Together we are enriching the lives of our students and supporting the future of our industry.
UPCOMING EVENTS 3rd YOUNG PROFESSIONALS CONFERENCE (2 ECSA CPD Points) CALL FOR PAPERs Prospective authors 35 years and younger, in the minerals industry, are invited to submit titles and abstracts of their papers for the 2017 Young Professionals Conference. SUBMIT A PAPER TODAY! Submission of abstracts: 31 August 2016 Acceptance of abstracts 7 September 2016 Submission of extended abstracts 7 October 2016 Conference: 9–10 March 2017
The Young Professionals Council The Young Professionals Council of the SAIMM (YPC) is aimed at sustainably influencing and empowering young professionals to contribute to the profession and society. The mission of the YPC is to: - Empower, support, guide, educate and develop the career progress of young professionals involved in the mining and minerals sector;
- Benefit and attract youth to a sustainable industry; and
- Influence stakeholders for the benefit of industry, including government, the broader industry, and YPC members themselves.
COMPETITION: NAME AND WIN! We have not had many submissions for an interesting name for the YPC newsletter. Submit your proposed name for the newsletter and stand a chance to win R100. Only one name and one entry per person. Entries may be submitted to Sam@saimm.co.za | |
SAIMM –YPC Newsletter Editor: Wesley Banda Email: wesleyb@mintek.co.za Contributing Authors: Kgabo Mokoena Lintle Tsoake Lungelo Magwaza Nomathemba Thabethe Patience Pelo Sello Tsebe Takalani Sethu Tiisetso Monareng-Ramasoga The SAIMM-YPC would like you to contribute to the success of a greater mining and metallurgy sector. Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/#!/saimm.johannesburg Twitter: https://twitter.com/SAIMM1 Website:www.saimm.co.za For more information on how you can be part of this great young professionals' adventure Contact: Sam Moolla: Tel: +27 (0) 11 834 1273 Email: Sam@saimm.co.za |