From the desk of Steve Shultz:
There is great insight and "prayerful" insight in this article by Holly Watson of California.
Keep this Scripture reference in mind as you read through Holly's word, 1 Timothy 2: "I urge, then, first of all, that petitions, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for all people—for kings and all those in authority, that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness. This is good, and pleases God our Savior, who wants all people to be saved and to come to a knowledge of the truth."
Also, you'll be very encouraged in this season of unexpected suddenlies as Holly shares:
Prepare yourself for God to move in a way you hadn't expected. The Spirit of the Lord is coming by unexpected means and through unexpected people. We are in a season of grace for upgrades in gifts, anointing and callings. God is switching things up a bit and elevating some to make room for others. God is in the business of blessing and He sees the faithfulness of the righteous. (To Subscribe to the Elijah List subscribe here.)
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Steve Shultz, Founder and Publisher
The Elijah List & Breaking Christian News
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"A Season of Divine Interceptions and Unexpected Suddenlies"
Holly Watson, Costa Mesa, CA
Recently as I was talking with a friend, I heard the Holy Spirit say the words, "Divine Interceptions." When I heard this word quicken in my spirit, I sensed this was a NOW word for the Body of Christ and relevant to the times and seasons in which we live. Oftentimes when we hear the words, intercepted or interception, we equate it to a football game where one team has possession of the ball and then suddenly the other team overtakes the ball through unexpected actions. An interception of any kind changes the course of a previous direction.
"I believe the hand of God has stayed the hand of the enemy through a divine interception." |
The word "interception" is defined as the engaging of an enemy force in an attempt to hinder or prevent it from carrying out its mission, the state or fact of being intercepted. The word "intercept" means to take, seize, or halt; to interrupt the course of something. The word "divine" means something that proceeds from God; whatever can in any respect be likened to Him; the things of God (Olive Tree Strong's dictionary).
The Divine Interception of Kim Jong Un
For the past week, the Lord has had me in the familiar story of David and Goliath in 1 Samuel chapter 17. In this portion of Scripture, we find Saul and his army on the battlefield fighting against the Philistines. Goliath, the Philistine, is the big burly enemy who stands at the edge of the Valley of Elah (place of reproach) and taunts Saul and his army with threats of defeat and provocation; invoking fear upon everyone who's listening. The story of David and Goliath ends with David defeating Goliath by using one of his five smooth stones that he draws from a brook and without using Saul's armor as his preferred weapon of warfare on the battlefield. David then severs the head (authority) of Goliath with his sword while the Israelites plunder the Philistine camp (see 1 Samuel 17:38-52).
The story of David and Goliath is a popular and often used Biblical story that most of us have read many times. Because of this, I hadn't planned on spending much time reading this portion of Scripture. However, the Holy Spirit captivated me for days by weaving Himself throughout these verses and highlighting how He was moving at this hour. The more I read, it was like the Lord was peeling back the layers of something I hadn't yet considered. (Photo via flickr)
The Lord began to speak to me about North Korea's leader Kim Jong Un. Every time I would ponder upon the taunting of... (continue reading)