From the desk of Steve Shultz:
This is a word full of the "awe" of God...or should I say the "ALARM" OF GOD, as it's a sobering word for the Church as well.
Larry Sparks shares a much needed word for the Body and how we can PREPARE for His great movement at hand.
Larry shares this about a FIRE ALARM he heard in the spirit:
As the FIRE ALARM goes off in the Church, people are going to run...somewhere. People will either run TOWARDS the Lord or AWAY from Him. And if our church communities speak against the movement of the Spirit and encourage people to move AWAY from the Spirit, that puts them in danger of MISSING, yes MISSING, what God is doing in this season. This is a hard word, but there is great grace on it as well.
As I read through Larry's article the words, "I am preparing you," came to mind from the Lord – to the Church at large.
Yes...the Lord always prepares His people through His prophets in what He's doing next! (See Amos 3:7.) (To Subscribe to the Elijah List subscribe here.)
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Steve Shultz, Founder and Publisher
The Elijah List & Breaking Christian News
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"I Hear a Holy Spirit Fire Alarm Going Off!"
Larry Sparks, West Palm Beach, FL
I hear a FIRE ALARM is going off in the spirit realm; for some it's a good thing, for some it's disruptive. For some, they are running TOWARDS the fire—they are following the LOUD, interrupting sound of the alarm. It awakens them from apathy and slumber. It awakens them from routine and ritual. It awakens entire churches—it's confrontational and "alarming" in nature. It's loud and, to some, obnoxious.
In the same way a natural fire alarm interrupts what we've been doing, demanding our attention and action, the FIRE ALARM in the spirit interrupts what we've been doing spiritually. It interrupts the show, the spectacle, the programs. The FIRE of the Holy Spirit interrupts "cookie cutter Christianity," calling us out of routine and into the depths of the unknown. The FIRE ALARM is calling us out of predictability and summoning us into the SMOKE on the mountain.
This FIRE ALARM, however, is doing the opposite of what a natural fire alarm does. In the spirit, the FIRE ALARM is meant to call you, like Moses, INTO the unknown realms of His glory.
Venture into the Unknown
On the morning of the third day there were thunders and lightnings and a thick cloud on the mountain and a very loud trumpet blast, so that all the people in the camp trembled. Exodus 19:16
"People will either run TOWARDS the Lord or AWAY from Him." |
At Mount Sinai, a "FIRE ALARM" went off. The people trembled and drew back, but Moses drew near. Moses had tasted the fire before at the burning bush (Exodus 3). Even though Mount Sinai looked ominous and Moses had no guarantees, he would rather venture into the FIRE and THUNDER and LIGHTNING of the unknown where GOD was PRESENT, than stay on the sidelines of comfort where God WASN'T.
There Israel encamped before the mountain, while Moses went up to God. Exodus 19:2-3
Moses is your invitation. Jesus opened the door of access so you could, at ANY time, go UP to God and boldly enter the realm of His glory! We are not waiting for a move of God; God is waiting for a move of people. The Church needs to shift from waiting for an expression or manifestation of God's FIRE that is comfortable and on her terms and instead, turn aside like Moses did as the Spirit of God begins to move—perhaps in unfamiliar and unpredictable ways.
Don't Be Content at the "Foot of the Mountain!"
Then Moses brought the people out of the camp to meet God, and they took their stand at the foot of the mountain. Exodus 19:17
With this FIRE ALARM going off, I see people "taking a stand" in the Church—either FOR or AGAINST the Holy Spirit's movement. He is so loving and embracing, though. People who took stands against the Spirit in ONE SEASON are now desperate to encounter Him. They are desperate to venture into the realm of His glory instead of sitting on the safety of sidelines. It means interruption, risk and the unknown. It means shakings and rumblings. It means unusual manifestations of His presence breaking out. It means dealing with demonic spirits and fleshly attention-seekers. (Photo via
Pastors and Leaders: this is for you as well. The Lord is calling people individually and collectively into... (continue reading)