From the desk of Steve Shultz:
Some of you really need this word by Cornelius Quek about God's dreams and promises over your life.
When challenges and honestly "life" gets in the way of us doing what we are called to do...we tend to "forget" what He has spoken and put ourselves and our God-given gifts on the back burner.
If you can relate to really need to let this word by Cornelius sink in:
This is what I felt the Holy Spirit wants me to release to the Body in this season: God is bringing remembrance and familiarity to the prophetic dreams, visions, words and promises He's made to His people. Because of extended times of waiting, weariness, disappointment, ignorance, neglect, and a lack of faith and intentionality, these words have been shelved. They've been put on the back burner, having become inactive and dormant (or worse still) and forgotten and buried in the ground.
As you read through this word, allow the Lord to minister and breathe new LIFE into His purposes for you! (To Subscribe to the Elijah List subscribe here.)
Enjoy! And thanks for forwarding this to your friends! They can subscribe here.

Steve Shultz, Founder and Publisher
The Elijah List & Breaking Christian News
P.S. – Oh, and a Quick Note to our readers: To EXPLORE our more than 2,500 Christian Prophetic books, CDs, and gifts go to:

"Remember God's Prophetic Dreams, Visions and Promises!"
Cornelius Quek, Redding, CA
Recently, my wife and I were on vacation in the great state of Michigan to visit family. We spent a couple of days on Mackinac Island up north. It is a fascinating, one-of-a-kind island where there are no cars and automobiles, just horses and carriages to get around.
"Unlike us, God does not forget the very things He has planned and spoken concerning our lives. He is strategic and intentional. He is the God who watches over His Word to perform it." |
We were enjoying the get-away from the busyness of city life and stress. While we were out and about on the island, something unusual happened. We kept running into two different couples throughout the day. The first couple we encountered sat next to us at a restaurant and subsequently ran into us two other times that day.
The second couple we encountered we bumped into four different times at different parts of the island. They even candidly joked, "We promise we are not stalking you!" Now, the island is not big. However, it is not so small that running into people multiple times a day is a normal occurrence.
At this point, the Holy Spirit had gotten my attention. I turned to my wife, Tiffany, and said to her, "This is really strange but I just heard the Holy Spirit whisper to my ear, "Things are going to look really familiar again." One of the ways God speaks is through circumstances. When He speaks to me, I have learned to discern if it is a personal word or a corporate word to be released to the Body. This time, I felt it was the latter.
A few days later, we were in Frankenmuth, Michigan, where my in-laws live. We were meeting with a friend at a coffee place when a gentleman walked to our table and asked if we knew of good restaurants in town. We got chatting and I noticed he had two other friends with him. I looked at his friends and asked, "Where are you guys from?" They replied, "Redding, California."
My eyes lit up and I said, "No way! We are from Redding too!" I mean, what are the odds of that? What is the likelihood that we would run into people from where we live, in the middle of Michigan, in a town of about 5,000 people, some 2,400 miles away? Again, the Holy Spirit whispered to me, "Things are going to look really familiar again." (Photo via Wikimedia Commons)
From Obscurity to Familiarity
This is what I felt the Holy Spirit wants me to release to the Body in this season... (continue reading)