"God is Saying: Watch What I Do With This!"
Steve Shultz, Albany, OR
Maybe it's just me, but a new take on "take the knee" might be to observe that Tim Tebow set the example, as he took the knee in prayer on the football field. It only appears now that NFL players have decided to follow his lead...even if they don't realize it yet!
Before the game starts, many NOW take a knee, bow their head to the ground, and they SEEM to be HUMBLING themselves under the Mighty Hand of God. It is not CURRENTLY their intention to honor God nor humble themselves of course, but it looks exactly the same as Tim Tebow, doesn't it? (Photo of Tim Tebow via Wikimedia Commons)
I truly believe and even SEE that God Himself, in a sense, is "ambushing" them into doing the real thing they WILL BE DOING very soon as a GREAT AWAKENING IS BIRTHED IN AMERICA! God is shouting, "Watch what I do with this!!!"
Now, God can and will do something HUGE with this...please read the following two words from Dr. Alveda King and Joni Ames. Dr. King knows a thing or two about protests in her family and how God will use them and turn things around! (To Subscribe to the Elijah List subscribe here.)
Enjoy! And thanks for forwarding this to your friends! They can subscribe here.

Steve Shultz, Founder and Publisher
The Elijah List & Breaking Christian News
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"America, Take the Knee!"
Dr. Alveda King, Atlanta, GA
There are challenges with today's young people wanting to "take the knee" and turn their backs on our national anthem and our American flag. As we honor our nation, it would be good to extend the tradition of honoring America, not by attacking cherished symbols, but by including everyone in the conversations in peace and nonviolence. I for one would like to see the Black American National Anthem (Lift Every Voice and Sing) included in tributes to our nation.
What's missing in this situation is a lack of balance due to the lack of knowledge regarding the complete and complicated history of the founding and ongoing American struggle for liberty for all Americans, whether it be civil war, war with other nations, domestic squabbles, etc. Our people are truly perishing for a lack of knowledge.
Why is the "protest knee" approved while the "freedom to pray knee" is forbidden? Both are constitutional.
"Taking the knee" is a football or military term used to break an impasse; it can also apply to taking a breather or saying a prayer. America truly is at an impasse. So we take the knee to God. We need to take the knee to DEFUND PLANNED PARENTHOOD too!
With all of the current painful debates regarding immigration versus national safety and security, along with the horrific hostile overthrow of statues and monuments across the country, we need to take the knee. Remember: God warns us to keep away from idols. Fights over statues of "heroes" that cause race wars and fights over patriotic symbols can reek of idolatry. (Photo via Alveda King: Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. "takes the knee" in prayer in 1965)
"You shall not make idols for yourselves or erect an image or pillar, and you shall not set up a figured stone in your land to bow down to it, for I am the LORD your God." Leviticus 26:1
God created all human beings of... (continue reading)