From the desk of Steve Shultz:
This is a much needed word RIGHT NOW for those affected by recent devastations in the flooding, hurricanes and wildfires, especially...but it covers us all – no matter what we are going through.
Let me just say this: GOD LOVES YOU! And He wants to come in and heal all the trauma and brokenness you have gone through.
Steve Porter, a friend of ours and a friend of God, sent us this word and shares:
With all the brokenness from the flood disasters, hurricanes, wild fires and other challenges happening in this day, I hope this word may encourage and help you. May your Autumn be filled with great surprises, gifts from Abba, divine connections and abundant favor.
I pray Steve's word ministers deeply into your spirit-man and soul. No matter what you are going through, may you be blessed and comforted abundantly in the Lord in this time! (To Subscribe to the Elijah List subscribe here.)
Enjoy! And thanks for forwarding this to your friends! They can subscribe here.

Steve Shultz, Founder and Publisher
The Elijah List & Breaking Christian News
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A Word For Those Dealing with Devastation: "My Child, You Are Weeping at My Feet and I Collect All Your Tears"
Steve Porter, Rochester, NY
With all the brokenness from the flood disasters, hurricanes, wild fires and other challenges happening in this day, I hope this word may encourage and help you. May your Autumn be filled with great surprises, gifts from Abba, divine connections and abundant favor.
"Where have you put him?" He asked them. They told Him, "Lord, come and see." Then Jesus wept. The people who were standing nearby said, "See how much He loved him!" (John 11:34-36)
Jesus had a very special bond with Mary, Martha, and Lazarus; they weren't just casual acquaintances. We can catch a glimpse of His nature by observing the way He became intimately involved in their lives. Nothing has changed. Jesus still has a yearning to be close to His people today. In fact, we see into the heart of Jesus through these two powerful words in John 11:35: "Jesus wept."
I don't believe He was weeping for Lazarus, but rather for Mary and Martha. He loved them so much that He shed tears of empathy. His heart ached because of their deep sorrow. I genuinely believe that every tear you shed also runs down the cheek of Jesus! He weeps today when you drown in the depths of grief.
He Loves You Through the Pain
He says, "Oh, how I love you, My dear one! I want to hold you in My arms and whisper that everything will be okay." Can you feel the heartbeat of Daddy God in you? He loves you that much! You are that special to Him. Even the hairs on your head are numbered. You are that precious! I love my own children more than life itself, but I can't tell you how many hairs are on their heads. Jesus can! (Photo via publicdomainpictures)
Not only does He love us as much as we love our children, but He loves us more than any earthly father ever could, because He doesn't just show love, He is love. Everything that love is, God is. When He looks at His children, He looks with a heart filled with love and tender compassion. He weeps over the things that so deeply affect His children and sends His Holy Spirit to comfort them.
Dear friend, if you're in pain right now, the most powerful medicine for you is the knowledge that Jesus cares for you in your struggle and He weeps with you! He loves you. You have a purpose and a destiny, and you can be encouraged by the knowledge that He has not forgotten you. He will answer when you call on His name in faith!
Grab hold of the following Scriptures, meditate on them, and allow them to minister to your pain:
"The Lord is close to the brokenhearted; He rescues those whose spirits are crushed." (Psalm 34:18)
"He heals the brokenhearted and bandages their wounds." (Psalm 147:3)
There is no wound so great that He cannot heal it. He will put the broken pieces of your life back together again and make you a vessel of honor. You will be better than before. I once heard someone say, "I'm a mess, Lord, but I'm Your mess!" He will always show Himself incredibly faithful, but because He draws near to the brokenhearted, He is closest when tragedy strikes. So, run into His loving embrace and let His comfort meet your needs. He's... (continue reading)