From the desk of Steve Shultz:
Do you feel sometimes you are sitting "idle" in your routine...and are wanting to "rev" things up, so to speak?
This is both a prophetic and fun word from Alane Haynes in which she heard it's time to "Rev Your Engines!"
She writes a great article about what this means and the steps we can takes as she shares:
Revving your engine causes acceleration. I also hear that this is a time of acceleration, that there is a compression of time, and that is causing great increase and harvest. We need to sow into this season and yield a great reward!
Let's REV it up! Be encouraged and enjoy this word! (To Subscribe to the Elijah List subscribe here.)
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Steve Shultz, Founder and Publisher
The Elijah List & Breaking Christian News
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I Heard, "Rev Your Engines!"
Alane Haynes, San Diego, CA
I heard, "REV YOUR ENGINES!" I am not a race car fan, so this was a very unusual thing to hear. When I asked the Lord about it, I heard that many have been operating in "idle" too long. Many have been "busy" doing work, even good works, but there has been an idling of the engine. Now that we are in the final leg of 5777, the time of grace and completion, it is time to REV OUR ENGINES for the final lap. How do we do that?
Jesus gave us a strong word about idle words in Matthew 12:36, "But I say unto you, that every idle word that men shall speak, they shall give account thereof in the day of judgment."
In Strong's concordance, the word "idle" means inactive, unemployed; lazy, useless: barren, idle, slow. Unemployed, inactive—FAITHLESS!
We are in a season where it is vital that we plant the earth with Heaven. How? One way is with words of FAITH!
Rev Your Engines and Acceleration
Revving your engine causes acceleration. I also hear that this is a time of acceleration, that there is a compression of time, and that is causing great increase and harvest. We need to sow into this season and yield a great reward!
"Join in and rev your engine!" |
The engine is your spirit-man, and the release of activation is through the words of your mouth. We are planting seeds whenever we speak. Are we speaking words of life or death?
We can also rev our engines by releasing seeds of righteousness in accordance with the Spirit and multiplying the Kingdom through investing our gifts and time into building up others. We rev our engines by sowing our money into the Kingdom. Are you investing in the Kingdom of God or trying to build your own kingdom? Follow the leading of the Holy Spirit and when you see good ground (His Kingdom being established), sow into it!
Planting the Heavens
5778 is approaching. The number eight symbolizes new beginnings. We are planting seeds now that will lay the foundation for the upcoming year.
The Lord brought to mind Isaiah 51:16, "And I have put My words in thy mouth, and I have covered thee in the shadow of Mine hand, that I may plant the heavens, and lay the foundations of the earth, and say unto Zion, Thou art My people."
I asked Him, "Well, how can we plant the heavens? I understand that you want us to have dominion on the earth. You made the heavens and I know we are seated in Christ in heavenly places. Isn't it already filled with Your glory and Kingdom, so how can we plant the heavens?" I thought about it in the natural, how during drought farmers shoot chemicals into the clouds to bring rain and wondered if that was somehow applied spiritually.
A Vision of Us Worshipping Together
The Lord reminded me of a vision He gave me a few months ago where I saw the whole earth worshipping the Lord of all of creation. Every created thing that I saw was worshipping—the trees, the stars, all beings were declaring, "Glory to God, You are worthy, You are Holy, Mighty is Your Name, Holy, Holy, Holy is the Lord God Almighty," and so forth. There were depths and heights and dimensions of worship I have never seen or heard before; many sounds but all blending into a crescendo of glory to the throne of God. (Photo via flickr)
I knew in my spirit that angels were joining in, that it was Heaven and earth together worshipping our King. As the worship continued, declaring God as the Almighty King of the Universe, I saw bricks being laid—one by one, row upon row, becoming a wall and then a fortress. As our worship continued, a host of angels began to strategically position themselves at different places along and in the wall.
At a certain point in... (continue reading)