From the desk of Steve Shultz:
This is a most excellent word that goes right along with the many prophetic voices speaking about this being a season of breakthrough. While in that time of transition to breakthrough, it can be painful, tense, and fear and doubt might try to creep in. But know that you are giving birth and about to see your breakthrough at hand.
Anita Alexander shares both the natural and spiritual implications of giving birth as she shares:
I believe many in the Body of Christ right now are in a place of birthing desires, promises, harvests and mandates. The birthing stage we are in right now is that of transition... I say to you: Let the tension of this transition catapult you into the new season. Allow the tension, the unrest, the wrestling, the groaning, the, "I've had enough of this; I can't do this anymore God," launch you into where you need to be.
Now that's good! Get ready to transition into the new places God has just for you! (To Subscribe to the Elijah List subscribe here.)
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Steve Shultz, Founder and Publisher
The Elijah List & Breaking Christian News
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"A Season of Transition and Giving Birth! Don't Partner With the Lies of the Enemy!"
Anita Alexander, Gold Coast, Australia
Transition, Panic and Fear
I believe many in the Body of Christ right now are in a place of birthing desires, promises, harvests and mandates. The birthing stage we are in right now is that of transition. For those of you who know anything about natural childbirth, know that transition is the stage where the baby's head is crowning, the end is near, but it can also be the stage where the mother delivering feels she can no longer go on. She is breathless and tired from the hours of exertion and pushing.
In natural childbirth, many women can have a sense of panic overtake them. This also relates to us in the transitional stage of giving birth to the promises of God – we can tend to be vulnerable and being overtaken by panic and irrational-thinking, which partners with a spirit of fear.
Don't panic! Be encouraged and be reminded that you're in this place because you said YES to the "more". You conceived a promise in your spiritual womb as did Sarah and Abraham – one that is out of your natural ability to perform or bring forth. You said yes to the Lord in defiance of status quo, in pursuit of the "more" that you know is in you and available for you.
"We, as a people, are in "advance forward" mode right now." |
Now you find yourself transitioning from one place to the next. From one level to the next, from one season to the next, and it can be the most testing time for your faith because in transition your vision can be attacked. You aren't where you were, but you aren't where you want to be. The tension in this place and stage of giving birth is intense and there is such a temptation to let go to ease the tension. There is a temptation to yield to thoughts such as, "It's not working. God isn't with me. I have missed it! Did God really say this...?" Let's forget the enemy for a moment. Also our own heart can be our greatest enemy with loud thoughts such as, "I can't do this, and I don't think I want to do it!"
I've given birth four times in this natural life, and every single time in the transitional time of the delivery of my beautiful child, I would say, "I can't do this!" You'd think by the fourth baby, I would know that evidence shows I could, but I said it EVERY time! In this stage, your mind fails you as your strength already had hours ago. But there is something your body does that your mind has no control over. It continues to contract to push the baby out.
Yield to the contractions and let the process of transition bring forth your awaited desire.
Hannah's Transition
It was in transition when Hannah poured herself out before the Lord at Shiloh (1 Samuel 1). She was in heart labor. She had the pain of contractions going on in her heart for years. The pain of feeling the Lord had passed her by. Hannah's delivery time had come at Shiloh, whereby she wept before the Lord saying, "I can't do this!" She was in delivery.
The head of her heart's desire was crowning, and she collapsed and was distressed before the Lord. Her prayer was, "This pain, this sorrow, is too much to bare, I can't go on." Eli, the high priest, found her in this place and thought she was drunk. So is the same in childbirth, some women in labor may look or act drunk. When their body is engaging in this miraculous delivery, they can say and do things they wouldn't normally say or do, and Hannah I believe was in that place. She wasn't pretending, even in the presence of the high priest. No, her journey had gone beyond her inhibitions and self-preservation. She was giving birth. We know the story's outcome – that day she received the ability to conceive as in that same year she brought forth Samuel, who's name means "heard by God". (Photo via Pixabay)
Know that in your transition, you are being... (continue reading)