Intro from Julie A. Smith:
I feel this so strongly within me: God's daughters are going to bring so much damage to the enemy's camp and in the territories held captive by him across the earth...and bring many more daughters into the Kingdom!
Have you felt a pull, a nudge, to come into a new calling and God is birthing greater vision inside of you?
If so, you have got to read this word by Christy Johnston and let it sink in:
I hear a loud charge from Heaven as the daughters of righteousness are being called upon to UNITE together as an army joining in force. I see the daughters moving in powerful authority, overturning the works of darkness and injustice. There is a movement of daughters, both young and old, who are waking to the dawn of a new day. They are no longer satisfied with the status quo, no longer content to sit behind the scenes, and they are being stirred to the sound of the voice of their beloved King to move forward and take their place.
Women of God, you are being summoned to take on some of the toughest issues and challenges of our day that only YOU are being called to!
Be highly blessed and encouraged in this article from Christy Johnston. (To Subscribe to the Elijah List subscribe here.)
Julie A. Smith, Managing Editor
Elijah List Publications
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Steve Shultz, Founder and Publisher
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"Daughters – It's Time to Sting and Subdue the Enemy!"
Christy Johnston, Gold Coast, Australia
I sense so strongly that in the remaining months of 2017, there's going to be a surging rise of daughters of righteousness. I have felt it all year as though a baby growing in a womb; there is a movement birthing amongst God's daughters. I saw in my spirit that the daughters of the King would indeed arise in splendor and light as a true mark of strength and beauty. These daughters of righteousness would be secure in their identity and worth in the Father, and they would display truth and righteousness with both authority and virtue.
If you are a woman and you are reading this – this is YOU who I am speaking of. I feel I need to establish that when I refer to the daughters of righteousness I am speaking directly to YOU! The enemy would have you believe that this word is for someone else, another woman supposedly more qualified, but I can say with complete confidence from the Holy Spirit, this word is as much for you as it is for any other daughter. So do not disqualify yourself from this truth.
Up, Mighty Warriors!
In recent months, the Holy Spirit has led me to study various women in the Bible, and one of these has been Deborah. I believe this prophetess of old is a symbol of what the Father is doing in this present hour amongst His daughters. We see in the story of Deborah, found in Judges 4, that she is moved to action because of the slavery of her people.
A tyrant king, Jabin, and his army commander, Sisera, had ruled over the Israelites with severe cruelty for twenty years. God heard their cries for freedom and answered them through a fiery prophetess by the name of Deborah. She planned a counter attack against Sisera and his army of nine thousand; and alongside a man by the name of Barak, they draw the tyrant army into a valley by the river Kishon.
"I hear a loud charge from Heaven as the daughters of righteousness are being called upon to UNITE." |
Judges 4:14 recounts the amazing and courageous charge that Deborah gives to Barak right before they attack as she says to him, "Up! For this is the day when the Lord has given Sisera into your hand. Has not the Lord gone out before you?" Barak and his ten thousand then move strategically into place and they overtake and completely destroy the army of nine thousand.
Sisera, however, manages to flee and escape the siege; he seeks shelter in the tent of another woman by the name of Jael. However, hers is no tent of refuge, as the moment he falls asleep, she takes in her hand a tent peg and hammers the peg through his temple into the ground. Graphic and gruesome I know, however, if you will read on, I want to break down the prophetic parallels of this story for you and what it means for you in this present hour.
Redemption Through Unity
This story opens in Judges 4:1, where it gives us the context for this battle; a king named Ehud had died and as a result, the Israelite had fallen prey to the ways of evil. The name Ehud means united, union or joining together. The perspective this gives for this present day is that in many ways unity has died, and the people of this world have fallen prey to the ways of evil once again.
Their discernment and judgment are clouded and where unity dies, division and discord come alive. However, it is by means of a prophetess judge, a woman, Deborah, who unites an entire army of ten thousand to redeem her nation. She calls upon a man named Barak, which means lightning, thunderbolt, and he helps her subdue the evil oppressor Sisera, whose name means keen and swift.
Where the enemy comes in keenly and swiftly to destroy and oppress, God works through our obedience and unity together through both men and women working alongside one another; and He brings redemption as fast and unexpected as lightning. But it starts with the heart of a woman who cannot stand by and do nothing. (Photo via Pixabay)
The place where Deborah, Barak and their army subdued the enemy was by the River Kishon; historically, this is the same place that Elijah would soon smite the evil prophets of Baal, and its name is significant also. It means place of ensnarement, place of catch. When we come together as one, our unity becomes a place of ensnarement for the enemy that has been seeking to destroy us. We catch him out in his own game.
Take Your Place on the Battlefield
Now Deborah, moved by compassion and a sense of purpose and justice, refused to sit back and allow the oppressive enemy to consume her people. She mobilized an entire army. I love what Barak says to her in... (continue reading)