From the desk of Steve Shultz:
I love this article and this word of the Lord through David Tomberlin.
Because a couple decades ago, God showed me this same thing. And yet, it's been often hard to have the faith to act with the spoken word.
Now look at this young man, full of faith, nothing holding him back. He's "doing the STUFF" as John Wimber used to say.
It's time we begin to declare a thing and see it instantly established!
Wow! (To Subscribe to the Elijah List subscribe here.)
Enjoy! And thanks for forwarding this to your friends! They can subscribe here.

Steve Shultz, Founder and Publisher
The Elijah List & Breaking Christian News
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"Miracles through the Spoken Manifestation Anointing"
David Tomberlin, Pasadena, CA
Healed of Disease
For some time now, there has been a stirring in my spirit about one way the Lord wants to release the anointing and creative miracles in the coming season. I believe that is through what I call the Spoken Manifestation Anointing. Several years ago, I was preaching in the suburbs of Melbourne, Australia. As we do at most meetings, I was praying for the sick, asking the Lord to heal people. As I had the sick folks stand and place their hand on the troubled area, I saw a man in the back that stood out to me in the spirit. I told him to come forward.
As he approached the platform I asked him, "Sir, what is wrong with you?" He said, "I have Celiac disease." As he continued to walk forward I yelled, "I don't know what that is, but I command the devil to stop acting silly ("silly acts" disease) and release this man from this condition in Jesus' name!" He was still many feet away, and as I yelled this he flew backwards under the power of God. I never touched him. Sometime later, he went back to his place in the back of the meeting room.
"Release the Spoken Manifestation Anointing over your life and circumstances." |
I found out afterwards that he was healed of Celiac disease, which is an extreme allergy to anything with wheat. As I understood it, if this man even touched any bread products, he would need to be rushed to the hospital immediately. However, the next day, he was healed and later contacted me with another problem. He now could eat pizza, bread and pasta, and was upset because he had gained 20 pounds from eating his favorite new foods!
Speak to the Mountain!
Recently, it was laid on my heart that this healing was brought about by the Spoken Manifestation Anointing. It was not a prayer that helped this man, it was a command. Jesus said in Mark 11:23, "Truly I tell you, if anyone says to this mountain, 'Go, throw yourself into the sea,' and does not doubt in their heart but believes that what they say will happen, it will be done for them." Jesus was talking about Spoken Manifestation.
Jesus released His hearers into a Spoken Manifestation Anointing, where we step from a place of prayer (supplication and asking), to a place of commanding, through faith. Jesus said speak to the mountain! Maybe it is a sickness, like the Australian man, maybe it is finances, family issues or church situations. I believe God is calling us to speak to the mountains in our life and believe what we say.
Once on a ministry trip to Finland, I was speaking in a university's auditorium. The place was packed out with hungry saints and curious seekers alike. I was preaching on faith for miracles and taught how God moves in the supernatural to make things happen as we trust Him. In the middle of my message, a man fell down in the back with an epileptic seizure. A man in the back raised his arm and said, "There is a man here having a seizure, can you help him?" I thought, "What a time for seizures, I'm teaching on miracles!" (Photo via David Tomberlin)
I rushed to the back and some saints were praying, "Lord Jesus, help this man; Lord only You can touch him." I spoke firmly to the saints praying, "This is not the time for prayer, this is the time for commanding!" I looked at the man who was in great distress and said, "In Jesus' name, I command this seizure to stop!" In three seconds it completely stopped. People's mouths were hanging open. They had heard teachings on miracles, they had heard testimonies, but they had never seen the Spoken Manifestation Anointing in action.
Prayer is good, supplication is good, but in certain circumstances and situations, we are not called to pray, we are called to command – to speak the word and see the mountain move. To see the sick recover, to see the deliverance take place. It transitions from us seeing... (continue reading)