| | Glory Awakening with Jerame & Miranda Nelson, Timothy Snodgrass, David & Stephanie Herzog, and worship with Andrew Hopkins (Worship Leader for the San Diego Revival). September 21-24, in Phoenix, AZ | | Co-Sponsored by the Elijah List | Despite the devastating hurricanes, threat of nuclear war with North Korea and many domestic issues in America, God is about to unleash the greatest outpouring and harvest we have ever seen! You see historically the greatest moves of God came right at the most pivotal and seemingly darkest hours in history. There is a divine set up taking place to cause God's people to seek Him like never before! He is the answer and He answers by fire, glory, revival, harvest and awakening when we come together at the most crucial times in history! This September is one of those 'must be there' times as many of America's earthshaking events have happened during the fall feasts notably in September! You want to be positioned in the right place at the right time now more than ever before given the current events unfolding. You might have pressed through a very hard season, but if you press-in and stand your ground, breakthrough is coming during Rosh Hashanah! God is about to shake America like never before this September during Rosh Hashanah! September during the fall feasts is often when new earthshaking moves of God occur and entire paradigm shifts happen worldwide both in the spiritual and natural realms. This year will kick off the year 5778, as eight is the number of new beginnings, something so new that no generation has lived to see what we are about to witness! Prophets have prophesied of a major spiritual seismic shift that is about to change everything we know as "normal." We are going to be one of the first ones positioned to catch the first glimpses of Heaven literally coming down touching the earth and from this place spread it across America and the world! New Year actually starts on God's heavenly calendar actually called "Rosh Hashanah!" All the prophetic words we have been getting for 2018 are about major HUGE revivals that will be a culmination of every great move of God ever released (The former rain). PLUS, the latter rain that God has reserved just for our generation that past generations so wish they could witness, will actually start to occur in September (not January) during God's New Year! You will be getting a front row seat and a foretaste of 2018, start to tap into the future blessings now! When you show up to this feast you get to be the first to jump into the "New Thing" God is about to unleash across America and on the earth. We have never been more excited about an event as we are this one! To help us kick off this fresh move of God our friends hosting and leading the San Diego revival for over 1 year straight 5 days a week, Jerame and Miranda Nelson, will be joining us as well as international prophet Timothy Snodgrass and yours truly Dr. David and Stephanie Herzog. (Also, the worship leader from the San Diego revival, Anthony Hopkins, will be with us!) We have been seeing the glory of God explode week after week since April more than we have ever seen in 25 years! Something new is totally breaking out but this September God has promised it will totally explode to entire new levels! During Rosh Hashanah there is an increase and crazy new favor for God to release fresh assignments and alignments that affect our destiny. It is a time when believers, who honor these divine appointment days, set aside time to come together as God commanded, position themselves to receive great heavenly visitations which open them speedy breakthrough and advancements that would never happen otherwise. We call these times “seasonal portals,” where God promises to visit us in an extraordinary way if we just show up to the appointment together as one! This year, we don’t want you to miss that appointment! So, we are creating an environment where you can come and be with God in a powerfully anointed atmosphere during the New Beginning season. This year, during the Rosh Hashanah, David Herzog Ministries will be hosting the Glory Awakening Conference in beautiful Phoenix, Arizona on September 21-24. And, we want you to be there! It is important to realize that during these “Kairos” (opportune moment, appointed day, due season) times, HUGE things occur in the heavenly realms and situations are shifted into proper alignment and position. So, it is important that we get in sync on Earth with what is happening in Heaven in order to receive the download of information God is wanting to pour out on us during these special times of year. We have had so many amazing testimonies of people's ministries, businesses, miracles and families launched after being immersed in last year's Rosh Hashanah gathering! It's called being in the right place at the right time with the right people in a fresh move of God! It doesn't get any better than that. “Knowing what God is about to do and positioning yourself for it is the key to riding the wave of God's move on the earth with great blessing and favor.” Join us for this power-packed 4 day weekend for our Glory Awakening 2017 conference as the Heavens split wide open and the Spirit comes down with the spirit of awakening and revival! Major events occur during Rosh Hashanah as it’s a season of a New Year on the Hebrew God breathed heavenly calendar coinciding with historic events on the earth! | Location: DOUBLETREE BY HILTON PHOENIX - TEMPE 2100 S. PRIEST DRIVE TEMPE, AZ 85282 Click Here for a map Nearest Airport: Phoenix Sky Harbor International Airport (PHX) Date: September 21-24, 2017 | | Speakers |  |  | David & Stephanie Herzog are the founders of David Herzog Ministries. Their passion is to live in the Presence and Glory of God through intimacy with God in the Holy Spirit, to equip Believers to do the greater works and to bring the Gospel to as many souls as possible in every nation of the world. They move in creative miracles, healings, prophetic, signs and wonders with lots of humor. |  |  | Jerame & Miranda Nelson are prophetic revivalist and the founders of Elisha Revolution. Jerame is an author, as well as a well-known international conference speaker and crusade revivalist to the nations. Jerame has a powerful word of knowledge and healing gifting, along with a strong anointing for miracles and the supernatural. It is Jerame's passion to equip the Body of Christ in hearing God's voice and in walking in the supernatural power of God in everyday life. Miranda has a passion for purity, no compromise and the Presence of God. Miranda is a prophetic voice to this generation who preaches the Word of God with faith and power and demonstrates the Kingdom of God through miracles, signs and wonders. She is both a crusade revivalist and a conference speaker. Jerame and Miranda, live in San Diego, California where they co-host the Fire and Glory Outpouring, an extended move of God, and they work together in the ministry to change the lives of thousands through the Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ. |  | Timothy Snodgrass is the president and founder of Eleventh Hour Prayer Network, based in Santa Maria, California. This year Timothy celebrated his 40th year in full time ministry. He has traveled to over 88 nations around the globe since 1975, and is known for being at the right place at the right time. In 2011, Timothy arrived in Japan only 30-minutes before the great 9.0 quake on March 11, and has given accounts of miracles, signs, wonders, multiplication of food and water, and amazing supernatural events which drew multitudes to Christ during Japan’s greatest seismic event in history. In 1989, after spending several years planting churches across Zimbabwe and South Africa, Timothy arrived in Germany on the day the Berlin Wall fell on November 9, 1989. Timothy ministers in the glory realm with signs and wonders following, and rarely knows where he is going until he arrives at his destination. | Worship  | Andrew Hopkins is the Worship Director at the Fire & Glory Outpouring and an Associate Revivalist at Elisha Revolution. He has been leading worship for over a decade at his local church, at various events and in the nations. He is a prophetic worship leader, an anointed songwriter and has a passion for revival and the Gospel. He preaches the Word with revelation, fire and the goodness of God. Moving in words of knowledge, healing and miracles, Andrew flows in the supernatural ministry of the Holy Spirit. | | Schedule: September 21-24, 2017 Thursday, September 21 7:00 PM Session 1 Friday, September 22 10:00 AM Session 2 2:00 PM Session 3 7:00 PM Session 4 Saturday, September 23 10:00 AM Session 5 2:00 PM Session 6 7:70 PM Session 7 Sunday, September 24 2:00 PM Session 8 7:00 PM Session 9 | $30.00 - Registration Rate ($10.00 per session Walk-in) Contact: 928-282-9030 for more information PLEASE NOTE: Childcare is not available | | DOUBLETREE BY HILTON PHOENIX - (800) 528-6481 2100 S. PRIEST DRIVE, TEMPE, AZ 85282 Last day to Lock in Discounted Room Rates is September 1st! Reserve Your Hotel Room Nearest Airport: Phoenix Sky Harbor International Airport (PHX) | | | |  | |  | September 15, 2017 | | | | | |