From the desk of Steve Shultz:
As I read through Joey LeTourneau's word...I thought of "hidden treasures revealed" and through the Scriptures. Often times you can read a Bible verse over and over again and then "suddenly" receive a most powerful and new revelation in that same verse!
That's what you'll see as you read through Joey LeTourneau's article about the Samaritan woman at the well.
Joey shares here:
I wonder if we are to meet "the world at the well" as Jesus did with the Samaritan woman? She came to the well thirsty. You know who else came to the well thirsty? Jesus. They both came to drink. Why?
Now, I'll let you read the answer to that and much more in Joey's word. I pray you are provoked and challenged in a good way to "meet the world at the well." (To Subscribe to the Elijah List subscribe here.)
Enjoy! And thanks for forwarding this to your friends! They can subscribe here.

Steve Shultz, Founder and Publisher
The Elijah List & Breaking Christian News
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"Encountering the 'World at the Well' with Jesus"
Joey LeTourneau, Coarsegold, CA
"Jesus arrived at the Samaritan village of Sychar...soon a Samaritan woman came to draw water. Jesus said to her, 'Give Me a drink of water.' Surprised, she said, 'Why would a Jewish man ask a Samaritan woman for a drink of water? Jews won't even drink from a cup that a Samaritan has used!' Jesus replied, 'If you only knew who I am and the gift that God wants to give you, you'd be asking Me for a drink, and I would give to you living water.'" (John 4:5, 8-10, The Passion Translation)
This is a famous moment in the gospels that I wonder if it's time we dive into again; and by dive I mean literally so. Right now, we're watching a swirl of deception, division, hatred, fear and accusation be gulped down by the glass in the world, fueling a war of words we don't need to be engaged in at least not like this. We don't need to choose a side and point at the other. Evil doesn't choose sides, it tries to lie its way into both. And the world is thirsty right now, so much so that they are going to the well and drinking what the enemy is offering. What if we met them there and gave them something different to drink?
"There are no black and white directions or design; there is just a path to a well of water marked by our thirsty Savior's footprints." |
I wonder if we are to meet "the world at the well" as Jesus did with the Samaritan woman? She came to the well thirsty. You know who else came to the well thirsty? Jesus. They both came to drink. Why? She came to draw a standard bucket of water. Jesus was weary that day from His travels and saw His greatest opportunity for His thirst to be quenched by seeking the heart of the Samaritan, adulterous woman. Brian Simmons in The Passion Translation describe it best in the notes from John 4:6-8:
"The water Jesus wanted was the refreshing, satisfying pleasure of her devotion. He says to each one of us, 'Nothing satisfies Me except you.' The sinner drank of the Savior and the Savior drank of the sinner and both were satisfied. Neither ate or drank, but both were satisfied."
The John 4 section of the Passion Translation is titled: "A Thirsty Savior." When I look at the world and where it's at right now, I think we have a very thirsty Savior. The well is where Jesus met someone who was supposed to be off limits but instead He became satisfied by the turning of her heart towards His. It wouldn't have happened at the synagogue. It wouldn't have happened in one of His gatherings, because she likely wouldn't have come due to her shame. Rather, our thirsty Savior met her on her level, yet didn't compromise the message either. He loved her so well in Spirit and in truth while upgrading the kind of water she was drinking. (Photo via Pixabay)
Truth Without Grace
I'll never forget reading Rick Joyner's "The Final Quest" some twenty years ago and one of the wise truths that always stood out is that truth without grace is a lie. Truth without grace is what lures us into a war of "sides." Before we know it, we find ourselves in a civil war within the Church across from other slightly different beliefs or denominations than our own. Or we find ourselves in a world war, our mercy-less applications of truth widening the chasm between Jesus and the world while we end up pointing side to side.
We need to go to the broken, the unlikely, and the outermost parts of the world. Give them a cup of cold water while they oppose you. Go to them in the same spirit of grace that Jesus lived out with the Samaritan woman. In doing so, we not only quench the thirst of the world around us, but their hearts and devotion are what quench our Savior's thirst as we gather with Him around this unlikely... (continue reading)