From the desk of Steve Shultz:
The title in Karen Hardin's article should speak volumes of what this season ahead we walk in our God-given authority!
I know many have experienced the enemy trying to kill, steal and destroy...that's all he does. But God is telling us that, "It's time to plunder the enemy's camp!"
Karen shares here:
The word He gave me wasn't what I expected. He said, "It's time to plunder the enemy's camp!" ...That is the blessing and empowerment that is available to us right now. Not only can we take back what has been stolen from us, but in doing so receive so much plunder that we are able to help others receive their Promise Land and a blessing.
Are you ready to take back what the enemy has stolen and bless others along the way? Read this word and gain some great keys on just how to walk this out! (To Subscribe to the Elijah List subscribe here.)
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Steve Shultz, Founder and Publisher
The Elijah List & Breaking Christian News
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"It's Time to Plunder the Enemy's Camp!"
Karen Hardin, Tulsa, OK
We all recognize that the earth is groaning and a time of transition is upon us. I love Anita Alexander's recent word about transition, "A Season of Transition and Giving Birth". That is exactly where we are. The birth pains we feel and which are occurring in both nature and the spiritual realm are all around us.
We are in the stage of transition that requires that last great effort and push to see the birth of the dream, vision or new season. But in order to make that transition, we have to shift from our current position to our new destination. That is the uncomfortable part. We have to take a leap and move. We cannot stay where we are.
The very term transition means:
a: the passage from one state, stage, subject, or place to another: change.
b: a movement, development, or evolution from one form, stage, or style to another.
"Not only can we take back what has been stolen from us, but in doing so receive so much plunder that we are able to help others receive their Promise Land and a blessing." |
As I prayed recently one morning I asked the Lord, "How do we get there?" I know there are many, like me, that are seeking His face to walk in His timing and walk into our prophetic destiny in this new season. We don't want to miss what He is doing, but transition is HARD isn't it? And many have grown weary and given up hope.
The word He gave me wasn't what I expected. He said, "It's time to plunder the enemy's camp!"
Historically, whenever there has been a time of transition, there has been an opportunity and anointing to take the plunder. Plunder is that which has been stolen and which someone else now holds. But it is actually a provision to pay for the transition. One way to look at it is that the plunder becomes the provision for our "moving" expenses. (Think Joseph and Mary and when the magi came and gave gifts at Jesus' birth, paying for the transition that was ahead of the family. God provided in advance.)
How Do We Plunder the Enemy's Camp?
So how do we do that? How do we plunder the enemy's camp and take back what satan has stolen? I don't know about you, but I have plenty of areas where there has been theft through my family lineage.
As I prayed and studied, the answer became clear and I had to laugh as I turned to the Jewish calendar. We were in the very month of transition, Elul, as we just transitioned from 5777 to 5778, and in this month is the anointing to take back! The time and season of an anointing to take back what has been stolen is available in this place of transition to plunder the enemy's camp. Let me show that from the Jewish calendar.
In the civil Jewish calendar, we just finished the final month before the New Year. By definition this made it a month of transition from one year to the next. In addition, Elul is often connected to the tribe of Gad.
Gad is the warrior tribe. It was within this tribe that there was anointing to go in and take back. The prophetic word Jacob spoke over his son, Gad, was: "Gad shall be attacked by raiding bands, but he shall raid at their heels" (Genesis 49:19). Prophetically, within the DNA of Gad was the turnaround to take back what had been stolen. This is what is available to us now! (Photo via Air Force Special Command)
This is our prophetic destiny as we just transitioned: No longer shall you be plundered. Instead it is time to go in to raid and plunder (take by force) from the enemy's camp. To take back what he has stolen from you AND MORE.
It Is Time to Plunder the Enemy's Camp!
We can see through history that transition creates the opportunity for plunder. With transition comes challenges, but when we recognize that challenges in God's world are simply opportunities, we can see them with His eyes rather than our own.
We see this Biblically in the following scenarios:
1. When Esther was transitioned into the kingdom as queen and the Jewish people were about to be transitioned to a place of honor and blessing, there was hardship during the transition. The ruling that was meant to exterminate the Jews, turned into a time in which they plundered the enemy's camp and they were moved into a position of... (continue reading)