From the desk of Steve Shultz:
We have recently witnessed the power of the praying Church when many came together to pray against Hurricane Irma last week in Florida. It was forecasted to be a category 5 hurricane (bringing utter devastation), BUT instead, it was suddenly downgraded to a category 1 and 2 for most of the state. Yes, there is damage but we know it was forecasted to be far worse than anticipated. Let's all keep praying for those affected by the recent devastations...that restoration would come quickly in these areas and as God's love pours out through us!
I want you to be encouraged to keep praying in these trying times as we become "alert, flexible and available to pray" as you'll read about in Randy and Barbara Walter's word.
You'll be greatly encouraged in the personal testimony they share here and will learn a great deal about taking territories for God.
Now is the time to pray and take authority over your areas of influence and watch how God moves. (To Subscribe to the Elijah List subscribe here.)
Enjoy! And thanks for forwarding this to your friends! They can subscribe here.

Steve Shultz, Founder and Publisher
The Elijah List & Breaking Christian News
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"Be Alert, Flexible and Available to Pray"
Randy and Barbara Walter, Berlin, MD
In 2010, the Lord told us to "oppose a spirit of death" in Salisbury, MD, the regional center of commerce and influence 20 miles from where we live. That year Salisbury experienced seven murders – a large number for a small city of 35,000. After seven years of our leading on-site intercession at hundreds of locations there, Salisbury went from being the fourth most dangerous city for its size in the nation to last year having the lowest crime rate since it started keeping records.
In the 2 1/2 months since June of this year, there have been seven murders in the city, plus it experienced both a tornado and a flood within a single week – highly irregular for our area. So we asked the Lord what happened:
"It's called encroachment. It's when the enemy breeches your perimeter. When you take military training, it's all based on the understanding that you will apply it in combat. So you don't study to know, you study to do.
"You've got to show people that taking territory from the enemy is more than just spiritualizing things, because that makes them sound out of reach so people don't do anything. If you don't defend what you have taken, it's like enjoying conception without caring for the child."
Calling the Intercessors!
"Life and death are within the power of the praying tongue." |
One year ago, the Elijah List posted our article "Name Your Gates & Take Back Your Cities." We received dozens of reports from people around the world who described how naming their gates produced significant results. But as we have learned, if these advances are not defended, the enemy will come back in, such as has happened in Salisbury.
Barbara and I have been like the air-raid wardens of World War II – watchmen who ensure the public safety by training people about security and enforcing regulations for the common good. We taught principles of taking territory when we took teams out on dozens of occasions to pray at strategic places around Salisbury – municipal offices, the courthouse, police and fire headquarters, churches and ministries, drug and human-trafficking areas, crime hotspots, homeless camps, centers of gang activity, places of commerce, every public school and college, and the city's gates. But we did not sufficiently reinforce Salisbury's intercessors are responsible for keeping possession of what has been captured.
When things began to revert there, did people practice what they learned, or did they wait for someone to lead them? Has anybody gone to the places in Salisbury where these seven people were murdered, taken Communion, and repented for the sake of the land? Where are the people to stand up and speak to the weather and turn it out to sea? Did pastors lead their people in prayer over these things? Did they send out teams to conduct spiritual warfare and intercession on behalf of the city? Was there only one little older lady praying? God's people can no longer be bystanders. Let's wake up! (Photo via freeimages)
The Lord told us, "You'll know the spiritual temperature of Salisbury by whether anyone comes to you and asks what happened." No one has.
For our part, we took for granted that Salisbury would remain okay, and it didn't. Our task to "oppose a spirit of death" was under the larger assignment to "raise up a prayer army." Didn't we take our assignment as seriously as we should have?... (continue reading)