| | I shouted, "I appeal to the FATHER!" Then... | Ok, I can hear you now... "How in the world, Steve, are you connecting shouting, 'I appeal to the FATHER' with photos of the actress Suzanne Somers and you speaking at Harvard?" Great question. To make a long story short... I was in a huge health crisis about 8 years ago. It was so HUGE that I was mostly bedridden for 4 years, having lost "tons" of weight. I was down to about 100 lbs! Yes I was writing many things for the Elijah List from my bed. True story! Doctors would eventually discover a huge mass in my sinuses. 5 surgeries later and I'm totally fine now. Back to the story. Suddenly I had the most profound encounter with Heaven and with the Father I've had to date. You've heard people say, "I was home in bed, but I was 'there,'" right? So it was with me. As if in the movies I was in a yellow bus with church people, family members, and friends when a huge accident occurred. Again just like in the movies, the bus, traveling at night, hit something and began to flip completely over. Suddenly, "like on film" we were in "freeze frame." We stopped midair and it grew quiet. Angels began going up and down the aisle adjusting seats. "What are you doing?" I inquired of the angels. One of them said kindly, "We've stopped time and we've stopped the bus so we can re-adjust and re-align things so that when the accident is complete, now NOT everyone will die!" Real hot anger burst out of me and I said, "What? You mean some people will die?" Then with the loudest authoritative voice from within me I shouted... "I APPEAL TO THE FATHER!" Suddenly you could hear a pin drop. The angels stopped. The people stopped talking. No movement! From behind me I heard footsteps and then I heard a kind Voice say this one thing... "I HAD TO COME...HE APPEALED TO THE FATHER." | Instantly as if orders were given without speech, the angels scurried here and there and completely adjusted every seat and every person properly in place for when the accident was to be complete. Then one angel said, "Ok here goes, we're starting up time and the accident..." Slowly at first and then in real time the bus finished flipping all the way over and it landed squarely on all four tires. Not one person was so much as injured. Not one! I UNDERSTAND NOW THAT THE FATHER IS NOT CONTENT THAT WE ALLOW ACCIDENTS TO OCCUR WITHOUT APPEALING TO HIM, THE FATHER, TO STOP THEM. NEITHER DOES HE WANT THE LOST OF THE EARTH TO REMAIN LOST (If one of them will simply come to HIM). Of course this encounter changed my life and my prayer life and I've told this story many times. But I've never told this last part... UNTIL THIS LETTER. Why? Because it made no sense and had nothing to do with the rest of it. Want to hear the last part before the encounter was over? Here it is... Flashed before me was a picture of me, SPEAKING AT HARVARD UNIVERSITY. I determined I would never tell that part because it seemed so random, until... Last March I attended an Internet Marketing event in San Diego (since our revelation goes out 100% through the World Wide Web, we need to learn from marketing skills the world has.) I encountered a man and skipping all the superfluous detail, he heard my story, and, on the spot, he invited me to...do what? Yes, SPEAK AT HARVARD! I knew this was "it" and I determined to obey and follow through. God was clearly pushing me "out the door" of the four walls of the church and even beyond the internet itself and where it will stop, who knows? God wants more of the Lost sheep SAVED! We have to go OUT THERE to get it done, right? Pictured here is photo of myself speaking at this secular event hosted by the Harvard Faculty Club. My topic at Harvard was, "Why are you STILL ALIVE?" I spoke to them of many near deaths and in no uncertain terms, speaking openly about God, told them they were alive ONLY because God has kept them alive and HE is not done with them yet. So what's the deal with Suzanne Somers? She was the featured KEYNOTE speaker that day and many of us got to go up on stage for a minute and meet her. (Note: I've always loved her comedy and she is totally into health as are Derene and I, so it was a fun match) I was able to give her my card and she asked what kind of business this was. I told her it was Christian Publishing. "Oh, nice!" she said, and she put my card among her things beside her. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * |  Chuck Pierce, of Glory-of-Zion International wrote this about Elijah List ministries: "I believe Elijah List Ministries is the 'Paul Revere' of the future for this nation!" | Listen ELIJAH LIST FRIENDS, God is calling ELIJAH LIST MINISTRIES into all the world, yes, through the internet and, yes, through multiple translations (currently in German, French and Spanish). We're working now on trying to sign people up from Korea and from Israel (Hebrew). We are negotiating for that studio space we need. We have two beautiful cameras you have provided, but our next step is to complete our studio. It is going to be a minimum of $100,000. And it might be double that amount! Derene and I are asking for your help! We need this studio up and running shortly after January, and we'll be filming many prophets and getting real cutting edge, real-time revelation to you and to all the world! | Would you bless Derene and me by stopping for a moment right now and hitting the link below (or by writing a check) to send your best gift to ELIJAH LIST MINISTRIES today? It's tax deductible and you will become a really-needed partner in this ministry. Any amount will be blessed by God, from the widow's mite to $200,000, or anything above that. YOU NAME IT! This I can promise, "whoever receives a prophet in the name of a prophet WILL RECEIVE A PROPHET'S REWARD!" | Click here to donate with PayPal. | | Click here to donate by credit card or eCheck. | Derene and I love you! Blessings in this new year, which is now the Jewish Year, 5778, Steve and Derene Shultz PS. I still have more exciting news that we will be sharing in the days and weeks ahead. God is up to something BIG with this ministry! Please partner with us! | ELIJAH LIST MINISTRIES, a 501c-3 organization To donate by Check (US Dollar Only), make your check payable to: ELIJAH LIST MINISTRIES 528 ELLSWORTH ST SW ALBANY, OR 97321 USA Or Call: (541) 967-3665 | |  | |  | October 18, 2017 | | | | | |