From the desk of Steve Shultz:
I really appreciate Mike and Cindy Jacobs and their team taking the time to put together this awesome prayer strategy "for such a time as this..."
With all that is going on in our nation and in the world, can you believe that the end of this month marks the 500th anniversary that Martin Luther nailed his 95 Thesis on the door of the Church? That started the Protestant Reformation! Many prophetic voices have spoken about this anniversary in months past...about this being a time of another reformation...we are due!
Mike and Cindy share this potent word:
We now find ourselves just days away from October 31, 2017, the 500th anniversary of the Reformation. The Church today is in a similar place of lack in understanding true repentance. We are still not yet operating in the full potential the Church was established by Jesus to display.
In Martin Luther's Day, sin and corruption were rampant, immorality was destroying the family, and "truth" was whatever influential people said it was. Sound familiar?
Now read this important word with vital prayer points and declarations which they suggest you print out and share at church and various places as well.
Please forward this on and let's pray, delcare and get ready for God to bring another Reformation to our day! (To Subscribe to the Elijah List subscribe here.)
By the way...did you know Sunil Isaac, from Kim Clement's ministry, has joined Elijah List Ministries? For an exciting announcement about this and more click here.
Enjoy! And thanks for forwarding this to your friends! They can subscribe here.

Steve Shultz, Founder and Publisher
The Elijah List & Breaking Christian News
P.S. – Oh, and a Quick Note to our readers: To EXPLORE our more than 2,500 Christian Prophetic books, CDs, and gifts go to:

"500th Anniversary of Reformation: Martin Luther Nailed His 95 Theses"
Mike and Cindy Jacobs, Red Oak, TX
The Reformation Manifesto 2017
Dear Praying Friends,
On October 31, 1517, Martin Luther nailed his Ninety-five Theses on the door of the Castle Church in Wittenberg, Germany, beginning what would become known as the Protestant Reformation. Ironically, these Theses' were not an attack on the Church, as much as a reintroduction of what true repentance really meant and a call to return to it.
We now find ourselves just days away from October 31, 2017, the 500th anniversary of the Reformation. The Church today is in a similar place of lack in understanding true repentance. We are still not yet operating in the full potential the Church was established by Jesus to display.
In Martin Luther's Day, sin and corruption were rampant, immorality was destroying the family, and "truth" was whatever influential people said it was. Sound familiar?
Our Generals have written a new Reformation Manifesto specifically for this 500th anniversary on October 31, 2017. You can read it below or download it here.
We are asking you to:
• Read it and pray through it as often as possible through this month and up to October 31, 2017.
• Consider gathering people for prayer at a church or in a home or other location on October 31, 2017. Pray through the items mentioned on the Manifesto.
• Print it out and post it on the door of your home.
• Print it out and post it on the door of your business, if you own your own business or if your employer is willing.
• If you are a pastor or minister of a local church, print it out and post it on the door(s) of your church or ministry.
• If you are not the pastor of a local church, forward it to your ministry leader or bring them a copy and ask them if they will post it on the doors of their church. Also, see if they will print copies for the congregation to take home to post. (Note: We recommend it be printed on Southworth Fine Parchment Paper 984C for best results.)
Reformation Manifesto 2017 Mission:
On October 31, 1517, Martin Luther nailed the 95 Theses to the door of the Castle Church in Wittenberg, Germany. Reformation began with the sound of that hammer. On this 500th anniversary, we declare that:
A new season of Reformation has begun. The Church of the Lord Jesus Christ will love as Christ loved. We will stand for Truth as it is written in the Word of God, the Bible, and in so doing will shift our countries toward righteousness and justice in our homes, churches, areas of governmental authority, in the marketplace, financial arena and business, in educational systems and schools, in arts and entertainment, and in media. (Photo via Cindy Jacobs)
As we carry forth His Gospel, we will see the prayer of Jesus made manifest: "Your Kingdom come, Your Will be done, on Earth as it is in Heaven" (Matthew 6:10).
As the Church of the 21st Century:
We acknowledge that Jesus Christ is our only Savior and Lord and we serve Him first and foremost.
We declare that the Word of God is the standard upon which we shall conduct our lives and we will carry that standard into every arena of life God leads us into.
We believe that we have a Biblical mandate to pray for all those in authority, regardless of political party or persuasion, so that the decisions they make will be the best for all citizens of our nation.
We believe in the sanctity of life—that all individuals have the right to life from the point of conception to death; therefore, no one has the right to take the life of another person through crime, abortion, euthanasia, or assisted suicide.
Additionally, we believe that the quality of life for every individual matters; therefore, we believe in addressing systemic issues like poverty, racism, and human-trafficking, as well as advocating for Biblically-based systems of education, healthcare, justice, economics, and government.
We believe that God entrusted humanity with the stewardship of the earth; therefore, we believe we have a responsibility to properly care for the environment and wisely use our natural resources.
We believe that God intentionally created... (continue reading)