From the desk of Steve Shultz:
It's really fascinating to see how many Believers who might otherwise share the Gospel about a loving Father and His Son, the Savior of the world—have now "switched" and have begun to proclaim that "God is angry at the World, angry at the Church, and angry at Believers."
They do this all the while supposedly believing in a loving Savior who came to redeem mankind, who died for their sins, so that they might live with Him forever.
Instead of running toward the LORD at times of tragedy, they proclaim that God is like a man and they, like Adam and Eve, have to hide themselves from Him. I can hear the Father saying to many of us, "Who TOLD you that you were naked?"
In Christ, those of us who have received Jesus, have a robe of righteousness on us. We should walk in agreement with God and all of Heaven—that Heaven has never stopped going after sinners to see them saved.
Heartaches, earthquakes, famines and pestilences will happen and are happening, but this is not because God is angry at the world or at a Believer. Instead, the Word says that SATAN himself came to steal, kill and destroy. If people are being stolen from, or killed, or their lives are being destroyed, Jesus said this was the doings of satan.
Read this VERY important revelation through Doug Addison about the month and season we are in. Find out how to agree with God and not the enemy, and learn to grasp what the benefits are for agreeing with God!
Bless you! (To Subscribe to the Elijah List subscribe here.)
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Steve Shultz, Founder and Publisher
The Elijah List & Breaking Christian News
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"October Prophetic Word: What We Need to Do to Stop This Angry Whirlwind"
Doug Addison, Los Angeles, CA
Expect to see lots of dreams and visions throughout the month of October. The heavens are open for revelation and God is imparting what you need for the upcoming season. Plans and strategies are flowing for you to recover your losses from the past. Repayment is coming, so get ready to receive it.
I want to encourage you to not be afraid or worry about how things look. God is still in charge and He is not causing tragedies and difficult times. They are coming from the enemy, who wants to distract us from the coming revival and great blessings.
Yes, these are difficult times, but stay in prayer and worship, focus on God, and refrain from complaining and being fearful. Things are going to shift for you very soon.
Complaining Can Create a Whirlwind
Though You probe my heart, though You examine me at night and test me, You will find that I have planned no evil; my mouth has not transgressed. (Psalm 17:3 NIV)
We need to be very careful how we speak, as the Lord is examining our lives right now for the purposes of promotion. It is important to step away from speaking anything that brings division or lacks love and encouragement. (Photo via Pixabay)
I asked God why we are seeing such fierce storms, shaking and violence. He told me that it has to do with the negative whirlwind that is alive and active in the hearts of many people right now. It is also delaying revival and closing the heavens for blessings.
They sow the wind and reap the whirlwind. The stalk has no head; it will produce no flour. Were it to yield grain, foreigners would swallow it up. (Hosea 8:7 NIV)
Word of the Lord:
The Lord said, "My people are complaining and sowing anger and taking up causes that are their own and not Mine. They are coming into agreement with the voice of the accuser and with the spirit and fruit of darkness. I have called them to speak words of life. This is why there are such violent outbreaks all around the world. And also, why the harvest has not taken place."
In Hosea 8:7, the Hebrew word for wind is ruacḥ, also translated as anger. Many people have been sowing in anger, frustration, rebellion and revenge. This spirit is now trying to take over in the hearts of many Christians who have an assignment to carry the words of life and not the words of the angry wind.
Stop Complaining
God is calling us away from idle arguments and divisions and to focus our efforts on His agenda and things that matter the most. This is a time to rally together in intercession and bless people who we do not agree with. We must love our enemies and pray for those we feel are persecuting us or our beliefs. This includes political and social justice causes, as well as... (continue reading)