From the desk of Steve Shultz:
Many have felt the negative impact of the shakings going on in the world right now and in their personal lives...and we know it has brought out great friction from many, especially on social media.
Kathi Pelton shares a much needed word in this hour about NOT letting current circumstances affect us in a negative way, and even the Lord giving her this word:
If you are dealing with these strong emotions and reactions as you see the world around you in all kinds of chaos, the Lord wants you to know, "This is not who you are!"
Now, I am not going to give it all this word by Kathi and be encouraged in WHO YOU ARE and how you are called to impact the world around you. (To Subscribe to the Elijah List subscribe here.)
Enjoy! And thanks for forwarding this to your friends! They can subscribe here.

Steve Shultz, Founder and Publisher
The Elijah List & Breaking Christian News
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"Dealing with Rage, Loss, Disappointment? God Says: This is Not Who You Are"
Kathi Pelton, Portland, OR
Many years ago, I was with a young man that was just coming to know the Lord. His life had been visited time and time again with great loss and disappointment. He had not been able to process the losses in his life or receive the comfort he greatly needed. This caused a build up of rage that would continually get released. One day as this build up was spilling out, I asked the Lord what to do and He said, "Tell him, 'This is not who you are.'"
I looked into the eyes of this young man, who was full of pain and rage, and said the words the Lord asked me to say, "This is not who you are!"
From my mouth I began to speak the truth of who God says that he is. Then I took him in my arms and held him like a mother would hold their own child until the rage turned to tears and the comfort that his soul longed for was finally realized.
"We have entered the time that we must yield to the work of Christ being formed within our lives. The enemy fears this more than anything else because it is the key to bringing light into the darkness." |
I am sharing this story because the enemy has been trying to stir up areas in people's lives that have not been fully redeemed; they have not been comforted in times of loss and trauma. We were created to give and receive comfort and compassion. When a person does not receive nurturing and comfort in these times it will often turn into strongholds of control, aggression and rage.
If you are dealing with these strong emotions and reactions as you see the world around you in all kinds of chaos, the Lord wants you to know, "This is not who you are!"
Power, Love and Self-Control
I declare over you that your true identity is found in the identity of Jesus Christ. You were created in His image and you carry within you peace, love, joy, compassion, beauty and self-control.
"For God has not given us a spirit of cowardice, but of power, and of love, and of self-control." 2 Timothy 1:7
I declare power, love and self-control over your life and into your soul. I speak the release of comfort over the areas of traumas and wounds that have left you feeling out of control. I declare His breath of life now to come upon you and blow away the darkness that has overshadowed who you truly are. And lastly, I declare compassion, peace, forgiveness and hope into you even now. (Photo via Unsplash)
You were created to walk, speak and live in the character of Christ. Though the enemy stirs the waters of strife, you were created to merely touch those waters and bring peace to those around you. When people around you scream out in rage dare to tell them, "This is not who you are!"
The people of God are to be the ones who bring peace, the ones who bring words of hope and life, and the very ones who bring Christ to a world that is out of control. We must be renewed and allow Christ to be formed within us.
"God wanted His people throughout the world to know the glorious riches of this mystery-which is Christ living in you, giving you the hope of glory." (Colossians 1:27)
Renew Your Mind
It is vital that as God's people, we allow our minds to be renewed. We must meditate and dwell on who He is, what is pure, and what is worthy. The enemy stirs up storms to get people fixated on what he is orchestrating, which merely creates a greater wind of adversity. We have been given authority over these "winds of adversity" by the Spirit who lives within us and transforms us into the very image of Christ. Then we truly become... (continue reading)