From the desk of Steve Shultz:
Jennifer Eivaz is truly a seer and the Lord recently took her on a journey to "see deeper"...and this will really benefit the Body of Christ!
God speaks in many ways...we just need to be open in how He speaks to us...uniquely. Everyone has their own "language" with the Lord and it's fascinating to see how others communicate with God and glean from them.
Jennifer Eivaz's latest article will most definitely take you deeper as she shares:
He (God) recently directed my inner eyes to the "sea" and He told me to look at it. I did what He told me to do. I looked at the sea with my inner eyes and considered what I saw. He then told me why I was to do that. He said, "I want you to look to the sea because you're going to see deeper and you're going to see new things." It was a play on words and a riddle. It was also the beginning of a new journey and a prophetic word...
Now, find out what the Lord revealed to Jennifer as she looked at the "sea" to "see" deeper! (To Subscribe to the Elijah List subscribe here.)
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Steve Shultz, Founder and Publisher
The Elijah List & Breaking Christian News
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"He Told Me to Look at the Sea to See Deeper"
Jennifer Eivaz, Turlock, CA
Season of Miracles
Ezekiel shared a vision about his journey into the deep places of the river of God (Ezk. 47). First he was ankle deep in this river, indicating he could enjoy a measure of its blessings yet remain in control. Next, he journeyed knee deep, and then waist deep into the river, signifying less control over his life but more surrender to the move of the Spirit. Finally, he became beautifully submerged in the deep waters. No longer in control at all, Ezekiel was fully immersed in the supernatural river coming from the throne of God.
What intrigued me the most about this passage is that Ezekiel did not take himself into the deep waters. I believe that he couldn't take himself in! In the vision, he had to be led into the deep waters by a heavenly man. This shows us that our efforts and striving can only get us so far.
"The Sea Anemone can be a warning to us to "SEE-AN-ENEMY." It's small, but it has tentacles and venom and can swallow up things that are bigger in size." |
To really go deep into the river of the Spirit, we have to be led in by the Spirit Himself. It's a surrender within a relationship much more than it's a striving. Surrender your life! Surrender your heart! Surrender everything and seek a heart-felt relationship with the Spirit of God!
The trade-off, eventually, is to be led into an experience that leaves you ruined for what you've known, but also completely undone. You can't find these deep places of the Spirit unless He takes you there. And, you can't swim in the deep waters without His heavenly help.
"I Want You to Look to the See Deeper"
I'm a prophet and a seer. That means I see the word of the Lord more than I hear the word of the Lord (1 Sam. 9:9). Neither one is better than the other. It's just how God chooses to communicate with me. I'll see His prophetic word, feel His prophetic word, and/or "read" the voice of God superimposed upon my ordinary world.
With that in mind, He recently directed my inner eyes to the "sea" and He told me to look at it. I did what He told me to do. I looked at the sea with my inner eyes and considered what I saw. He then told me why I was to do that. He said, "I want you to look to the sea because you're going to see deeper and you're going to see new things." It was a play on words and a riddle. It was also the beginning of a new journey and a prophetic word.
"The one who sees is the one in authority" –Pastor Ron Eivaz
Elisha was surrounded by his enemies, the Arameans, yet he was calm and in control of the situation (2 Kings 6:8-23). Why? Because he could see what Heaven was doing about it. He saw the angel armies all across the horizon and knew he was divinely protected. Because he could see what others couldn't, Elisha was the one in authority. (Photo via Pixabay)
Elisha took further charge of the situation and as his enemies approached him, he asked the Lord to strike them with blindness. The Lord answered his prayer and his enemies were suddenly blinded and confused as to their whereabouts. Elisha, now unrecognizable to them, convinced his enemies that they were going the wrong way and was able to reroute them into a position of surrender to the king of Israel.
The Lord spoke to my heart about how He is anointing His... (continue reading)