From the desk of Steve Shultz:
This article from Jodie Hughes of Australia is full...and I mean full of revelation for the current month and season we are in.
When I read "Choose your pumpkins well" in the title, it surely got my interest...and I'm sure you're intrigued too as to what it all means...
Jodie opens up with this about a pumpkin dream she recently had:
It was really important which pumpkins the people chose to pick up and keep. This month of October kept being highlighted to me as extremely significant for the Bride, as it is a kick-start for a new wave of increased harvest.
Read on to find out the importance of choosing your pumpkins well and what God has in-store for you even this month and into this new season. (To Subscribe to the Elijah List subscribe here.)
Enjoy! And thanks for forwarding this to your friends! They can subscribe here.

Steve Shultz, Founder and Publisher
The Elijah List & Breaking Christian News
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"Harvest, October & Pumpkins: Choose Your Pumpkins Well!"
Jodie Hughes, Sunshine Coast, QLD Australia
Pumpkin Dream
I had a significant dream early this month (October 4th) that released harvest wisdom keys. In this dream, I saw many pumpkins delivered outside people's houses by their mailboxes. The pumpkins were huge and just sat by the mailboxes waiting to see if the house owner would pick them up with the mail and take them into their home.
It was really important which pumpkins the people chose to pick up and keep. This month of October kept being highlighted to me as extremely significant for the Bride, as it is a kick-start for a new wave of increased harvest.
Significance of Pumpkins
Pumpkins are unique and can be symbolic of representing both cursing or blessing. They can mean harvest, fruitfulness and thanksgiving, or cursing, disappointment and dark arts. Pumpkins are also very much associated with a calendar month, confirming this dream is speaking to us now.
Pumpkins most commonly represent HARVEST and are used to decorate for fall and harvest festivals (and also Thanksgiving in America). They are also widely known throughout the world to represent all things Halloween, considering they are used as Jack O'lanterns.
As many would be aware, this current season in our calendar is full of all things pumpkin! Similarly, this season will be full of all things "pumpkin" with much going on spiritually, but overarching everything is a grace for abundant harvest. It's harvest time!
Prepare to Steward Harvest, Not Lack!
"What other "promises" have your name on them, waiting to be picked up again? Pick up your promises again." |
Get prepared; get excited. In my dream, pumpkins were literally everywhere, signifying bountiful harvest. Fresh passion for evangelism is arising. Souls will be saved in mass numbers. Also, sudden harvest of seeds sown in past seasons will occur, which will astound and encourage many.
Harvest will breakout and there's a divine invitation to steward this season well by making room for harvest. Throw off disappointment, and make room in your planning and visioneering for increase. We will see sudden birthing of heavenly directives, new projects, plans, ministries, creative endeavors and new mantles, as positioning takes place to steward abundant harvest instead of lack.
This will require a mindset shift for some. You will govern over harvest more than you govern over lack in this next season, so dream big. Rather than resist the stretching, embrace this as harvest preparation so you can steward and carry well all that is about it happen.
Choose Your Pumpkins Well
In the dream many different pumpkins were being sent to people, and the choice was theirs in which ones to pick up and take into their home. Just as pumpkins can represent "blessing or cursing", the spiritual atmosphere is charged and is pregnant with possibility right now. Step through God's doors only, and don't be influenced by distractions.
Your choices carry unusual weight in the Kingdom in this hyper-hectic season. It's important which "pumpkins" you choose (blessing or cursing), so choose your pumpkins well. Much is "flying around spiritually" at the moment and this is particularly challenging to navigate as prophetic feelers, seers and discerners. However, use your discernment and lean into God's presence and immediately discard anything that doesn't carry God's heart.
The key to stewarding this season well is to formulate your decisions in His presence and weigh them against His promises to you. Resist being led by fear or the background noise of enemy interference.
James 4:7 says, "Submit yourselves, then, to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you."
If what comes at you is not from God's heart, don't meditate on it. If an atmosphere is inducing fear or dishonor, resist it. Resist the enemy and he will flee! (Photo via Unsplash)
Actively RESIST, courageous ones... and don't entertain the lies of the enemy or hold onto fear-inducing thoughts. Resist destiny-stealing imaginations that release anxiety and a spirit of foreboding disaster.
Resist lukewarmness. Resist anything that says there is no hope! Resist disappointment and don't marinate in offense or anger. Resist the lure of the enemy to stunt your journey in fear. Instead, actively pursue His... (continue reading)