From the desk of Steve Shultz:
The Word of God says that we "know in part and we prophesy in part!"
That is strong truth and the best prophetic voices on the planet, when they write, give you a LOT of each. Truth from what "THEY KNOW IN PART" and then they give you revelation from what they "prophesy in part."
One of the very best prophet-teachers that I know is JOHNNY ENLOW. When I want a sweeping, comprehensive picture of a great deal of controversial questions answered, with a good dose or prophecy included, I look for what JOHNNY ENLOW WRITES.
Please note that when we publish THE PROPHETS on the ELIJAH LIST, we purposely do not look for 100% agreement between the prophets. Probably close to 85% agreement or more. Because we KNOW IN PART, some of what we know gets included, and so you will see prophets with different life experiences, who interpret the same prophetic signs—quite differently.
This is as it SHOULD BE—because there is NEVER only one interpretation about things such as hurricanes, floods, signs and wonders, and so on. To get the best picture, you need to read or listen to many prophetic voices.
OK, that's enough to whet you appetite here. This is lengthy, so grab a cup of coffee and dig in. You are going to understand a great deal more about the times in which we carefully reading this word through Johnny Enlow!
Enjoy! (To Subscribe to the Elijah List subscribe here.)
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Steve Shultz, Founder and Publisher
The Elijah List & Breaking Christian News
P.S. – Oh, and a Quick Note to our readers: To EXPLORE our more than 2,500 Christian Prophetic books, CDs, and gifts go to:

"Rosh Hashanah 5778: A New Hidden Way is Here"
Johnny Enlow, Santa Clarita, CA
September 21, 2017 marked the beginning of a most remarkable year in the Hebraic Calendar coming on the heels of 5777, one of the most intense and world-shifting years ever. As I reviewed my word for Rosh Hashanah 2016 (on The Elijah List), my first subtitle was "As in the days of Noah: A Time of Rest...and Floods." There I shared of my experience with the unprecedented Atlanta floods of Rosh Hashanah 2009, and how the Lord said this was now going to happen at a national scale and as a spiritual reality. This truly has been the case and we are in a whole new day of Kingdom momentum.
The 8 in 5778 represents a new beginning. The entire decade of 5770-5779 is still all about learning to see, as that is the significance of the 70s window. Now the number 8 is telling us that a new beginning is here. A NEW WAY or door has been birthed.
Since last Rosh Hashanah 5777, we have had the most shocking presidential election result in our history with the effects of that only just beginning to be felt. The United States will be known as "before Trump" and "after Trump" in the future, and it is why there is so much warfare, confusion, resistance and overall stirring up of the spirit realm. Have no doubt about it though, the purposes of the Lord will stand.
We have had the Stock Market skyrocket almost 4,000 points to its highest level ever—over 22,000. Our nation has experienced its greatest flood ever through Hurricane Harvey, right on the heels of the most rare type of total solar eclipse in our nation's history. Most recently through Hurricane Irma, we experienced our biggest and strongest Atlantic Hurricane ever. Hurricane Maria, another huge one, devastated US Territory, Puerto Rico, as well as many Caribbean islands. Great earthquakes struck Mexico. We have had record flooding (California, Louisiana, etc.) and record wild fires all over the land.
Furthermore, we have had more than our share of North Korea, ISIS, media wars and the explosion of "fake news"—and the like. All in all, a hectic year, and none of it means "the end" is near, only the end as we know it. We are really just at a whole new beginning, with new hidden doors and ways. (We will get to that.)
Now then to top it off, we have the usual cast of "prophecy experts" interpreting a purported, rare alignment of stars in the constellations as proof that on Sept. 23, either "The Rapture" was taking place or "The Great Tribulation" was beginning—or something cataclysmic. I have covered many of these things in previous posts or podcasts. Truly a challenging year for Believers as we attempt to navigate through our own version of "fake news" or in some cases just "unanointed seeing".
"This 'Jesus Movement' will spearhead not just revival, but reformation and the ensuing renaissance it leads to." |
As I have shared before, the 10 spies were not really guilty of direct "fake news" on the Promised Land. They actually saw the things they said they saw. What made it "fake news" was it was "unanointed seeing." They judged reality by the giants they saw and not by the fruit of the land. Caleb, on the other hand, was an anointed observer and highlighted what God desired to be highlighted, thus making it REAL news.
So today again, what is really going on? What is the true Kingdom outlook? Who are the real prophetic voices? These are all among the great questions of our day, and you discerning them correctly will essentially determine the extent of your "Kingdom footprint." It is quite easy to blame the confusion of the day we live in for our challenges, but the challenges are designed to confirm and promote truth seekers, thus unleashing a band of Kingdom "super heroes"—such as the world has never seen.
"He Will March in the Whirlwinds of the South" Zechariah 9:14
Zechariah 9:14 says, "Then the Lord will appear over them; His arrow will flash like lightning. The Sovereign Lord will sound the trump; He will march in the whirlwinds (hurricanes) of the south."
I believe that there are several Zechariah 9 passages that have an application at this time and especially so for the United States. This does not mean this is the original application for Zechariah 9, but by the Holy Spirit we can find new fulfillments of Scriptures that aren't just meant to die when they have an initial applicable fulfillment.
Zech. 9:9 tells us to "Rejoice" and "Shout" because our King comes TO us (as opposed to FOR us, as many are presently holding out for Him to do). It then speaks of our King bringing justice and salvation, being gentle and riding on a donkey. This is a direct allusion to Jesus and Him ultimately making a "triumphant entry" unexpectedly on a donkey (Matt. 21). I believe there is a repeat message for us today. He is riding in, through an unexpected way—but He is presenting Himself as... (continue reading)