From the desk of Steve Shultz:
I really enjoyed reading this prolific article by Victoria Boyson as it is full of God's heart for us, His Beloved.
Before Victoria's article she writes an introduction of her I will keep mine very short.
I will leave you with what Victoria says here as God wants a "revolution":
Our Father says, "This will be a season in which I will convince you of My power and My love for you!"
The Father tells me we can trust completely that He is in control. No matter how things look, how shaky things can appear, no matter what things look like...understand that God is in it. God has assured me that He will not be content with business as usual. He wants a revolution. (To Subscribe to the Elijah List subscribe here.)
Enjoy! And thanks for forwarding this to your friends! They can subscribe here.

Steve Shultz, Founder and Publisher
The Elijah List & Breaking Christian News
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"Deliverance is Coming - He is Breaking Through!"
Victoria Boyson, Montgomery, TX
Intro by Victoria Boyson:
I'm sending you a chapter from my latest book, Revolution: The White Horse Rider, which is a visionary explanation of what we are experiencing in the supernatural realm at this time. I feel this will bring some understanding of what we are experiencing on the earth right now.
Our Father says, "This will be a season in which I will convince you of My power and My love for you!"
The Father tells me we can trust completely that He is in control. No matter how things look, how shaky things can appear, no matter what things look like...understand that God is in it. God has assured me that He will not be content with business as usual. He wants a revolution.
Watch as He uncovers evil and brings it to the attention of the world. He's uncovering things that have been hidden for some time. They've planned to undermine Him and plan our destruction...BUT GOD! God has known about it all along, so do not despair, because HE IS THE ONE UNCOVERING IT.
He wants to start a revolution. It takes a lot to do that, so rejoice when it appears that the enemy has won and the Church has been abandoned. God loves us and HE WILL NOT abandon us. Determine in your heart that no matter what you see, you will not fear, but you will stand with Him and TRUST in His plan for restoration to come to us.
God says, "I am in it! And when I am in it, I am in it to win it!"
No matter how things look, He will not stop until our enemy is completely uncovered and uprooted. He will not let things lay half done. He will complete the work He began in this world. He will shake it and the enemy will not even see it coming.
The Father has baited our enemy. He's made it seem to them that He does not see what they are doing. They are convinced they will get away with what they're trying to do, but it's all a trap. He wants to uncover the good in men's hearts. He wants justice: full, complete and reliable justice. And He wants vindication for the innocent. Justice is not complete with out vindication, is it?
He is invading every area of life: Church, government and our hearts. He desires that we see and learn that even the impossible is possible with Him. He says, "You are Mine and I take care of My own."
He will uncover, recover and restore and it starts now. Anticipate the evidence of His hand on your life. Give Him your whole heart. Declare that He alone is your Lord and you take orders only from Him. Walk boldly in increased vision and trust in Him. He is truly worthy of your trust.
"When He looked at her, Beloved felt overwhelmed by the power of His unspeakable love." |
You are bold and unstoppable Kingdom-warriors! You will take territory for Him and your heritage will be the spoils of the wars. You will climb mountains and destroy wickedness in high places because your God is Who He's said He is and He can be trusted to work miracles through you!
Fear nothing – trust God! I am praying for you!
Love and blessing,
Victoria Boyson
Scorched, Desolate Ground
Taken out of the physical realm of earth, Beloved was in a place she'd never seen before. She stood alone on what seemed to her a vast sea of scorched, desolate ground. It was resolutely the most barren place she'd ever been. The sky above was filled with a dusty orange haze, permeating the hopeless atmosphere that filled the desperate place. She was sure nothing ever could nor ever had grown in such a spiritless land.
Unsure of why she was there, she knew this realm was the spirit-realm hovering over the earth and she guardedly observed her surroundings with the effort of a vigilant surveyor. Reassuring herself that the Father would never permit any harm to come to her, she tried in vain to let her instinctive guard down.
She saw movement on the horizon. Something very small and dark seemed to be crawling toward her on the ground. Relieved, Beloved heaved a panic-eased sigh of relief. "It's only a spider..." she whispered to herself. "A little larger than usual, but only a spider."
Still, her spirit continued to... (continue reading)