From the desk of Steve Shultz:
This is such a great word by Wanda Alger and the title speaks for itself, "We've got work to do!" And yes, we God is calling many into new purposes and callings.
It truly is a new season to walk and "work" with the the Lord as Wanda opens up with this:
In a recent series of dreams, the Lord spoke to me regarding the importance of being ready to enter into a season of immense creativity, innovation, and fruitfulness. The coming of His Spirit is not only unto the culmination of an amazing love story, but a journey of partnership with Heaven on earth. The Lord is knocking at our door with some amazing gifts, but we must be ready to join Him in the work ahead.
Now that's encouraged in your partnership with Heaven and in the work ahead. (To Subscribe to the Elijah List subscribe here.)
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Steve Shultz, Founder and Publisher
The Elijah List & Breaking Christian News
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"Get Ready, We've Got Work to Do!"
Wanda Alger, Winchester, VA
In a recent series of dreams, the Lord spoke to me regarding the importance of being ready to enter into a season of immense creativity, innovation, and fruitfulness. The coming of His Spirit is not only unto the culmination of an amazing love story, but a journey of partnership with Heaven on earth. The Lord is knocking at our door with some amazing gifts, but we must be ready to join Him in the work ahead.
Being Invited but Not Ready
As He came to the door in my dream, the overarching reality was that I was NOT ready. Though I had been expectant and joyfully preparing for His coming, I had been so busy getting THINGS ready, doing special projects and making Him gifts, that I had not gotten myself ready. I thought I had time, but I had gotten distracted. Not only was I not ready, I had forgotten what I was going to wear. I thought I had it all planned out, but now I realized I had no clue what I was going to wear.
This is an exhortation for us as Believers. Even as we faithfully work unto the Lord, we must remember it is ultimately not about what we do but who we are. WE are the ones He is coming for. WE are the apple of His eye and the joy of His heart.
"The days ahead are filled with possibilities. He is knocking at our door and longing for our readiness so that we can fulfill ALL that is on His Father's heart." |
We prepare ourselves by spending time in His presence. Our identity (what we are "wearing") comes from being with Him, not from doing things for Him. We are not identified by what we do, but who and Whose we are. We must set ourselves apart as HIS. This takes time. Just as getting ready for a date takes special time and attention, so we must prepare our hearts and lives to be ready for this next season with Him.
He showed in the dream that some have forgotten who they are. We have unknowingly started to compare ourselves with one another (2 Cor 10:12). Even in our desire to be effective in our gifting and calling, we can easily take our eyes off the One we are to reflect and try to look like or be like someone else. Yet, each one of us has been uniquely created to express a different aspect of our Creator.
This is the amazing reality of how big our God is. Each one of us is a different expression of His heart and character. Ultimately, we will reflect what we focus on. We must keep our focus on our Lord and reflect more and more of HIS nature and qualities, not someone else's.
Our Stories Have Been Knit Together
Not only is He telling us to get ready, but He is showing us what to expect. When He came to my door in the dream, He came bearing two specific gifts. One was a beautifully stitched quilt that was made by His Father. Every square of this quilt was a different chapter of our story together. It was years in the making – even generations.
Every part of our life together had been knit into this quilt. The detail was amazing and as I turned it over, I saw the marks of Jesus' life on this masterpiece. It was as if His Blood, sweat, and tears had fused into the quilt as a lasting reminder of the price He paid for it. The immense love and attention that went into this covering deeply moved my heart. It was evident that He, too, had been preparing (for years) for this time together. (Photo via Flickr)
Jesus wants us to remember our story. Even through the trials, troubles, and heartaches, a beautiful tapestry has been woven. His love has marked every one of our chapters. The Father has used every circumstance in our journey to create a unique testimony of His love and redemption for the world to see.
We can't forget this. It is to be celebrated. Even the blood, sweat, and tears have divinely marked our storyline that gives supernatural grace and power to overcome; not only our past, but our present and even our future. He is telling us He's got this. He's covering us and we can rest in that.
The Materials to Create
The second gift He brought was a bag of craft materials. As I opened it up, I was struck by how He had chosen materials that were so specific to things that I liked doing. This gift was an invitation to spend time with Him as we continued this journey together. He knew exactly what I was good at and what I enjoyed doing and had specially prepared these projects to do together. I could feel the joy in His heart as He anticipated the days ahead when we could work side-by-side on... (continue reading)