From the desk of Steve Shultz:
This is a "well-seasoned" word by Amber Picota...and what I mean by that is her wisdom in this article is seasoned well with great maturity AND it's a timely word for this season.
The Isaachar prophets understood the times and season of the Lord and you will gain some great keys from Amber as she is very down-to-earth and shares wisdom from her own life...dealing with trial and error in the "timing of God".
Amber shares this from her own life:
The times that we tried to venture out too early, God truly did bless us and use it as a learning experience. He didn't chastise us or ridicule us. He didn't leave us on our own. He rewarded our passion for Him and He also corrected us lovingly and helped us get back in the right place for that season.
Be encouraged as you gain some very helpful keys from Amber that I think will highly benefit you as you move out in the timing of the Lord! (To Subscribe to the Elijah List subscribe here.)
Enjoy! And thanks for forwarding this to your friends! They can subscribe here.

Steve Shultz, Founder and Publisher
The Elijah List & Breaking Christian News
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"Determining the Timing and Season of Your Prophetic Word"
Amber Picota, Winchester, VA
Walking Out the Timing of Prophetic Words
Have you ever gotten a vision from the Lord about something that He's calling you to do? Maybe God has placed a dream in your heart to do something really amazing. What about a prophetic word from someone... have you ever gotten a prophetic word that described your calling?
I know what it's like to have a calling from the Lord that is big and exciting, that's been confirmed both by prophetic words as well as in my dreams and having heard directly from the Lord personally. I know what it's like to be so stoked for something that God called you to do that you jump the gun and attempt to launch out prematurely because you don't understand the timing.
I think we would all agree that when God speaks a word to you, gives you a dream, shows you what your calling is, etc., that it's one of the most exhilarating feelings in the entire world. When you know something you're called to do or you have a word that something is going to come to pass, it is so enthralling that you just want it NOW.
How do I know this? Ha! This perfectly describes how I've felt every time God has shown me something good that will come to pass or that I'm called to do. God shows me something cool He wants to do through me and I get stoked then I immediately want it ALL...right NOW.
It would be like me telling my kids we're going to Disney World in 2 years. I would have to hear them talk about it for 2 full years, possibly every single day. They would probably begin packing their bags like the very next day. Can you relate? Perhaps all of us can at some point or another!
I used to get so aggravated with people who would try to tell my husband and I that we were pushing something to happen too early. It frustrated me to no end to be told that we were out of the right season, even though God was genuinely calling us to do those things. "Surely they were just dream killers who wanted to steal our joy and keep us from doing great things for God. Maybe they were just jealous of our calling," were the types of thoughts that may rolled through my head at some point or another.
"Take some steps towards the word, and see what happens." |
Most of the time I'm sure some of these people were just trying to teach me or equip me, but I didn't receive it because I didn't want anything to stand in my way of obeying God.
The truth is that when...(continue reading)