From the desk of Steve Shultz:
Honor is a very BIG DEAL to God and we see a lot of dishonor happening, for example, in media and in government to name a couple areas. And it's obvious that we are in a time of great shaking in those areas, including Hollywood and even the Church.
Andy Sanders shares this prophetic exhortation from the Lord about Honor:
"I am bringing honor and humility back to My Church again. With a culture of dishonor that we currently live within, honor and humility will be a genuine sign to the world of real Kingdom power."
Andy also has a great word for the elders, as God is restoring honor back to them as well!
Enjoy this article and be highly encouraged! (To Subscribe to the Elijah List subscribe here.)
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Steve Shultz, Founder and Publisher
The Elijah List & Breaking Christian News
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"I Am Restoring Honor and Humility Back to My Church"
Andy Sanders, Syracuse, NY
An Eagle Soaring with Honor and Humility in Its Wing
I just wanted to give an update on the prophetic word that God had asked me to write on the Elijah List, which was posted Sept. 23: America: I am Sending My Eagles Up into the Skies. It was read at Pastor John Kilpatrick's church in Daphne, Alabama, and it went all over parts of the world via the video he shared from the pulpit. I want to bring you up-to-date on some more revelation concerning the eagle.
Shortly after I watched the video, God showed me an image of an eagle soaring over America. A look closer revealed that the wings had something written on them. The first (left) wing God showed me had the name "Honor" written on it, and the second (right) wing carried the name "Humility." God then spoke, "I am bringing honor and humility back to My Church again. With a culture of dishonor that we currently live within, honor and humility will be a genuine sign to the world of real Kingdom power."
"I will release that which has been stolen from you." |
These two characteristics working through God's people will be the proof that His Spirit has truly transformed our lives in a tangible way. As Christians, we cannot walk in the supernatural as a lifestyle until we learn to honor those around us and clothe ourselves with humility through all circumstances. Supernatural power without honor and humility is merely a show for the masses. Cheap entertainment masked as Christianity is as dangerous as crossing over into unapproved territory. It is like playing with deadly fire (dishonor). We can no longer feel comfortable while playing with the flames of unauthorized fire.
Honor is Coming Back!
Honor: high respect, to esteem, regard. Honor is coming back to the House of God as a sign to the world!
My father served in the military, and he passed away about three years ago. After the funeral, we went out to the burial plot; it was a long drive and there were a lot of people in the procession. Being very hot that day, there were two people mowing yards in different communities that we passed through, while in route to the plot. The hearse was a Harley Davidson Trike, with a clear glass area pull-behind on it, so people could see the United States flag draped over the casket.
When one man who was mowing the yard noticed that there was a funeral procession going on, he stopped the lawnmower and he waited several minutes until we all passed. There was another gentleman who was a farmer. He was mowing a really big field in a different area with a lawnmower tractor. When he noticed that my father served in the military, he not only stopped his big tractor, he got up on top of the tractor and he stood at attention for several minutes in the scorching heat, until every vehicle in that procession went by. That's honor. That's what God is bringing back to the Church as a sign to the world of who we really are... (continue reading)