From the desk of Steve Shultz:
This is a very encouraging message in this holiday season...with all the hustle and bustle, God is also telling us to REST in Him.
Now, REST doesn't necessarily mean inactivity... but He is telling us is to Trust Him and to not worry...casting our cares onto Him.
Randy and Barbara Walter of Maryland share some of their personal struggles in resting in God and what He told them:
"Can you see how learning to trust Me is necessary for rest?... When you try to make everything happen your way, you have no rest... I have told you to rest. It was not only to avoid physical pain but to relieve emotional stress. I challenge your thinking that says, 'Unless I push, nothing happens.' That makes you god of your own world. Even when you pray and acknowledge Me, it is all subordinate to your belief that you must bring everything to pass. Your back is bowed from the weight of taking My place."
Now that's a word we can all glean from. I pray in this holiday season, as busy as it gets...that we all take time to REST in the Lord. (To Subscribe to the Elijah List subscribe here.)
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Steve Shultz, Founder and Publisher
The Elijah List & Breaking Christian News
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"Trust Me and Enter into Rest without Worry"
Randy and Barbara Walter, Berlin, MD
"What is rest?" the Lord asked my husband Randy and me. "It is abandoning the need to control. You both still need to learn that.
"Daughter, you control by telling people what to do. Randy controls by trying to do it all himself. The worries which incite you to control keep you from resting. Resting is not a matter of physical stillness; it is peace in the inmost being, which comes from trusting Me with all your circumstances.
"Can you see how learning to trust Me is necessary for rest? Randy has to trust me for others to do things to his standards. So do you. When you try to make everything happen your way, you have no rest. The worries which make you doubt other people multiply in your imagination as you think about all the things they might do wrong. Even when you curtail your activities, you find no rest when you worry."
"I Told You to Rest"
"God doesn't have formulas. He has a process for everyone." |
A few months earlier He told me, "I have told you to rest. It was not only to avoid physical pain but to relieve emotional stress. I challenge your thinking that says, 'Unless I push, nothing happens.' That makes you god of your own world. Even when you pray and acknowledge Me, it is all subordinate to your belief that you must bring everything to pass. Your back is bowed from the weight of taking My place.
"I'm not talking about planning and preparation. I'm talking about seeing yourself as the trail boss. Don't shrink the room, I need to reveal Myself. Don't compete with Me. Don't take credit, even if you never tell anyone.
"It is the stress of being in charge of results that has caused you pain, carrying burdens I never intended for you. When you stop doing this, you will see a multitude of benefits. Pain will abate. Strength will return because you spend your energy wisely. Family relationships will improve. Personal fears will decline dramatically – peace and joy will take their place.
"Kiss your old life goodbye. You don't need to let it hold you back with hidden resentments. You can no longer be the hero nor the victim."
The Enemy of Rest is Worry
The Lord told Randy that...(continue reading)